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Hey thaniel, very cool looking game, but I'm so lost... The turns move so quickly, I don't have any chance to see what each individual card does. My suggestion here would be to by default, advance your turn on a button press. So press Z, then the actor does the next thing they're scheduled to do. There could also be a fast forward button that automatically plays the turn like it does now. This way you could stop and see what each card has done.
I was also very confused as to why I was taking damage. This is part of the problem above, but I noticed that during my turn I was taking damage... somehow? I wasn't going off the board, does one of the starting items hurt you instead of opponent?
Perhaps you could also include more info for the player to learn ingame? Maybe when hovering over an item in the inventory, it could highlight the spots you could end up in? Or maybe you could give a short text description of what each card does? One thing that would be particularly helpful would be allowing you to hover over different symbols in the game to get a description of what it means.
Ok just finished my first run all the way through. Seriously awesome game dood! once a run gets going and your board has a few routes its very very fun. Amazing work.
A few would be nice features imo:
Somewhere to see your entire board. Right now the board editor only shows you a 3x3 of your board. Would be nice to be able to take pictures of your board to show how crazy your run gets haha.
would be nice if there was an easier way to input diagonals, I messed up once or twice on choice cards. imo Mouse controls would help this alot, just when the player needs to move, click the space they will move to rather than the keyboard.
Again seriously seriously awesome game.
Happy development!
HEY, what a cool concept! I am really enjoying it so far, so take what I say purely as feed back, everything is mostly related to clarity and clarity is super important in a game like this were its a entirely unique system.
Imo turns are way to fast and confusing. I would love to see a half speed mode and some more confirmation on what's even happening. being able to slow down and speed up as the player is what monster train does, lets you slow down when you are figuring out how things work, and speed up when you kind of start getting it.
Another fix to the problem above would be to just store the damage to each side, then deal it all at once after the ball stops, so that the player has time to realize how much damage is gonna be dealt.
Feels like your going for a retro-vibe, so I know mouse controls might not be what your considering. But I think for a game like this is might be somewhat necessary, tool tips and in game explanations of things would go a long way. Little pop ups to explain key words, etc. Plus moving the board around on mouse just seems like it would be more intuitive. This could go against the retro vibe as what I am kinda suggesting here is "be more like modern deck builders" which you don't have to be if it would kill the vibe.
Big side thing, took me like 5 runs to realize breaking boxs damage me. That should be made ALOT more obvious imo. Maybe a damage animation or damage number over the character would help.
Gameplay wise I feel like there was a lack of agency during the turns, most of the fun and strategy comes from building the board I found. Which makes the first fight kinda a crap shoot. Since you always have the same board. Not sure how to fix this, maybe add a free random part choice at the start of every run?
Again I am just trying to give feedback, I am honestly loving the game so far! really fantastic work.
Edit: Also Bug it un-fullscreens every reset