This game is lots of fun! I would complain that it's very luck based, but the scrap forge evens it out!
I like this!
Also here's my best run.... on Blizzard difficulty! ;J
I dunno why my settlers decided to settle on the water but I took advantage of that lmao
Speaking of the settlers - there seems to be a bug where after you have about 3 or 4 settlers, they start to settle exactly where you place them. That means that you can start to place them anywhere on the map(this run ^ I placed one by the casino in the corner and one accidentally in the water right next to my fire base - it was there that I noticed that could start placing them anywhere in this run) - so the two in the middle of the sea, and the one in the very left corner were the settlers that wandered there by themselves.
In a previous run (that was my heavy snowfall run): I stacked a bunch of settlers ON TOP of my inn XD. I didn't place any in the water that time cause I didn't even know you could place them in the water or that they could place themselves in the water lol.
- Guess my settlers built themselves some raft houses xD
Thanks for the comment, glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, the Settlers aren't as robust as I would like... The way it works is they head for the furthest empty corner, and if there isn't one, they usually just kinda... settle immediately, even on water. Ideally I'd let you control where they go, but I mostly just wanted a quick-and-dirty way to let you cross large swaths of land.