


Free - Pixel Art Asset Pack - Sidescroller Fantasy - 16x16 Forest Sprites

Free - Pixel Art Asset Pack - Sidescroller Fantasy - 16x16 Forest Sprites

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GREAT!!!I like it very much.

While i havent used these just yet, i just wanted to thank you for these tiles. I can promise you, the sheer dedication to this pack hasnt gone unnoticed, and its thanks to people like you that game designers like myself can even get started making games. So thank you!

Can I have your email, I have something to discuss with you

Hi what is the size of the titles? i buy all bundle and using in my godot project, buts looks rare in 16 px

I really like your art style, are you also doing commissions?

Will you be making a male character also?

Друг это просто космос)

Mind if I modify, heavily modify or straight up rip apart the characters attack sprites, and also possible combine with different sprites I have to make attack animations for my character. also if I need to credit you does this sound right (these sprites were made by combining/ modifying sprites made by anokolisa and imanol_ibrahim)

thank you so much

Thank you  for sharing this. It allowed me to feel successful part in my very first game jam.

Love this one! So beautiful and all you need to start a game!

will there be an update soon

can we modify downloaded assets?

I really like the character size. It's a size that's hard to see lately. If enemy characters are added, I want to buy it.

Hey, just a heads-up that the rate link seems to not be working in this text:  

this asset will be completely and permanently free, but it is important that you -  RATE - it the way you think is fair, your rate is fundamental for this project and it is the only thing I will charge you

The rate link on the right hand side of the page works fine, though :)

Asset is incredible.  Thank you very much for this!

Hello! Thank you so much for this beautiful collection! Everything is well organized and looks amazing. Helped me a lot for my school project! Works great in Unity 2D. The quality is amazing! Thank you so much!

can you guys make animations when player gets hit please, thanks a lot for this amazing asset!

Olá, no arquivo ZIP está marcando versão 2.0, mas na pasta que está dentro está marcando versão 2.3, qual é a correta?

É nada que você é br kkkkkkk, gostei d+ do seu conteúdo, vou arrumar um dinheiro para adquirir essa coleção

Assets sensacional, muito legal mesmo e show de bola a iniciativa de deixa-lo gratuito, vou falar dele em meu canal no youtube em breve.

Caso também queira conhecer o meu trabalho segue o link do youtube:

Opa, vlw mesmo cara, atualmente to procurando algumas parceria com alguns produtores de conteúdo pra criação de tutoriais com os assets, vlw mesmo pelo suporte.

Pegasus2 years ago(2 edits)(+1)

This is a good package. Quality is there and, obviously for free is a great deal. The 600+ sprites might technically be correct if you break everything down, but might give you the wrong impression since a single tree might be made of many sprites, for example.  Comes with a animated character, and three animated monsters, and some HUD graphics. Very happy with it. For free, this is amazing! Thank you Anokolisa!

estou querendo usar estes ativos, seria possível colocar a animação de andar na personagem?

I'm creating random pixelart towns in Unity2D - my code works with any tileset, but I thought this was a particularly nice one to use in the demo and show it off (I linked back to your page from the video description so others can find your work):


Hi there!It's a great work!

 I made a game with your game assets. You can play it here. I hope you have a good time!

hi mate, how you configure the sprite editor? i couldn't separate properly

Great looking game, Nice job!

Thanks for liking it!

Good Job man like ur asset

Great asset. Well done!

Excellent, I like it very much, thank you for this great work.

Very cool asset.

Assume design and quality.

Would you consider adding more enemies?

yes, a new wave of updates is coming and the idea is to add at least 5 new enemies to the pack and some npcs

wow very good job !! ;)

Very good work! :)

As someone trying to make a pixel game, this feels like a godsend.

Hiring someone on Fiverr or Upwork would probably cost a lot buh it's freeee here

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Updated 10 hours ago

