Hey guys,
I'm Dawid. I'm a java developer from Germany and would love to get into indie game developement but I never managed to follow through and complete any project yet. Currently I'm working through the great tutorial series on libGDX fromBrent Aureli and I hope that the jam will promt me to actually create a small game from start to finish. I will be doing all the programming and my way too talented brother will hopefully be able to create some original music for it.
The tools I will probably use are:
Good luck and have fun, everyone!
I am a CS student from Sweden, who first discovered libGDX around two years ago. My first game programming experiments were terrible, but during last few months I have been trying to learn more about 3D games and a little about AI. Asdavebol mentioned, I have been working with him onGdxDemo3D, which has been great fun!
Other than programming, I like to play around with creating game art, mainly in Blender and Gimp. A few years ago, Iparticipated in an art contest arranged by OpenGameArt.org, which was also very fun.
This is the first official game jam I am participating in, other than a few minor projects with friends.
Hope everyone has a fun jam!
Hello, I'm Geoffrey.
One time contributor to libGDX (but only 'cause someone inserted a bug.) Hailing from the Southwest of the US. Software Developer by day... Software Developer and Board Game Geek by night.
This is my first non-LD game jam. I plan to use the same tools as the other times (libGDX, etc.) but with a bit more time to mess around and get my stuff looking good. And to get muddled in the details without killing the entry.
Hi everyone,
I amBarry Rowe, the programmer for a studio (in name at least) in Louisville KY,Roaring Cat Games. We're just coming off of a weekend of jamming on Ludum Dare 34, and looking forward to another jam. The other half of our team isLoi LeMix who will be providing all of the Art, and with the extended time frame possible our music.
We'll most likely be using Ashley ECS, and some of the systems and components we've developed over the last couple of game jams (Movement, Basic Gravity, Rendering, DebugRendering, Health/Damage). Hopefully by the end of this weekend I'll have those systems up as a library for others to use as well. We've been looking for a way to give back to the libGDX community, and it seems like some basic starter systems for Ashley ECS is something a lot of people might like to see. We created a box2d-AshleyECS example project before LD34 you can check out here:https://github.com/RoaringCatGames/libgdx-ashley-box2d-example
For tooling we'll be using IntelliJ, Adobe Illustrator, Spriter2D, Adobe Photoshop, Audacity, and Git.
Looking forward to seeing what all comes out of the Jam!
Hi !
I'm Marc, indie game dev, currently working onAlchemist's Awakening, my biggest project to date, of course using libGDX.
I'm still not sure if I will have the time to submit something for the jam but I'll try!
My name is Łukasz (@lukz_dev) and I'm developer behind libgdx gameAngry John. You can check my smaller LibGDX projectshere.
I'm not sure that I'll be able to do something for the jam but I'll try!
Good luck!
Hi everyone!
I am Viktar, the lone wolf from the Belarus. I was playing with libGDX for about an year and this jam is an opportunity to make something real. I am going to use Intellij IDEA for coding, Paint.net\Krita for graphics, Bfxr\Audiotool for sound and music and MAD SKILLZ to rule them all!
Good luck everybody!