


Hammer Crest Idle

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Enjoying the new patch!

A minor bit of input: It would be nice if, while on the Stash screen, right-click would move item from your inventory to the stash. Currently it equips the item, instead. Also, would be good if right-clicking items in the Stash moved them into your inventory.

A bug I found:

In Shop > Upgrades, clicking the Quest Points bar, near the top, causes new tabs to be created called "Increase quest size and reward".

Thanks for the report! I've fixed the issue so redownloading or refreshing the web game should fix the problem.

As for right clicking in/out of the stash, I've added the right click out of the stash for now. The inventory itself doesn't have any functionality like this since right clicking uses/equips items everywhere. I've added this feature to my ideas list for now, lets see if/when I can implement moving items from the inventory to things like the stash with a keybind.

Thanks for the quick fix!

I ran into another, slightly more serious bug, while playing earlier. I started combat, but the enemies, I believe, all had 0 health. I was zooming through them super fast and my Lvl rose by like 10 levels. I panicked and shut the game off hehe.

I wasn't paying attention to what triggered this, as I panicked too quickly, so I apologize that I can't be of more help. If I run into it again I'll try to be more analytical.

I got over 1,200 leather scraps in a matter of seconds.

This might also have happened because of the bug you mentioned earlier, that caused quite a few issues. But if you encounter it again please let me know :D

Suggestion: Think maybe adding Mastery capes you can buy for like 10 million gold when that skill hits level 100, these can give passive benefit like fishing mastery cape could give you catch chance, speed and double drop chance. 

I look forward to any future updates, big or small, for this game.

I don't have much in the way of money, but am putting down a couple bucks to show my support.

I wish you the best possible outcome in the battle for your health, as  well.

Much appreciated! But if you don't have any money to spare don't feel like you have to, the best way to support is by playing the game and providing feedback so I can improve the game.

I am planning to start testing the new update soon, and if everything works I will update the game somewhere next week. If you ever have any ideas or bugs you encounter just let me know here or on the Discord!

One random thing that comes to mind, if you are able to implement it at some point, is a button to quit or save & quit the game.

i play in fullscreen, so usually I manually save, then just alt-f4.

Will we get any more updates as I am really enjoying this game, however wish inventory was a lot bigger since i'm a hoarder.

I cant give you any info about when the next update will be released, its almost done but I've been struggling with health issues so thats why there haven't been any updates.

As for the inventory, I don't have any plans to increase the inventory size. It's already very big

I hope your health gets better, I am still enjoying the game with level 85 fishing, just wondering is level 100 max on skills or is there no level cap.

I hope so too.. Yes all skills have a max level of 100.

Note that most professions are not very usefull at max level, I still have to add more usefull crafts or other features to professions, or remove some of them idk what I'm gonna do with them yet..

Maybe change Farming to herblore and alchemy, as in my opinion, farming isn't worth it if you have fishing.  

Think maybe adding Mastery capes you can buy for like 10 million gold when that skill hits level 100, these can give passive benefit like fishing mastery cape could give you catch chance, speed and double drop chance. 

Having a strange graphics glitch, where when I click a craftable recipe, other non-craftable ones change colour as if they're craftable, when they're not.

Thanks for the report, I will look into it

Just tried the latest patch, and looks like you fixed the issue.


Deleted account3 years ago
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Hey, thanks for reaching out again!
You are right, there are not many ways to get thorns on gear as of now.
The only way to get thorns on high level gear is to roll thorns on Shield/Armor or pants, there's also a unique shield which grants a lot of thorns. But there are no enchants or something like that for thorns.
I have some ideas in mind which will replace the current enhancement system because it's quite boring just adding armor/damage to all items. The new system would allow you to enhance gear specifically for your character in this case you'd be able to add thorns to most gear.
This new system will take some time to implement since it's paired with loads of other new content.

In other words, you will have to wait a bit before you can play a full thorns character in the end game..

Deleted account3 years ago
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Deleted account3 years ago
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Yes, currently the max level is 200. There is some "end game" content in the Spire right now which can be unlocked by doing high level raids.

I'm aware of an issue which is caused by having crafting materials in different inventory tabs so that's probably the bug you are revering to with the crafting.
A work around for this issue for now is to have all materials in the same tab, the bug will be fixed in the next update (probably sometime this week).

Thanks for playing, I will be adding more content over time :D

Deleted account3 years ago
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Nice game thus far - but, even though it autosaves, when re-opening the game, there is no save file loaded - forcing one to start over.

Hmm, are you using windows or web version?
Haven't heard about this issue before so i'm curious why that happens with you..

Was using Windows version.  Interestingly, the issue seems to have resolved and things are going quite smoothly.

Ok.. interesting if it happens again please let me know and maybe we can find out what is happening and why this is happening :D

Loving it so far, needs to be able to run in the background tho, currently only works when its the active page being viewed (at least on the web version) not sure about the non web version.

Desktop version will always run in the background, running in the background on web is also enabled but it's not working properly. I would love to fix it but there's not much I can do about it...

Deleted account3 years ago
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That's a feature of your browser, actually. It'll slow down javascript on non-active tabs. You can adjust it in your advanced config settings (go to "about:config" as a url if you're on firefox), but it's *generally* not recommended and is thus a rather arcane thing to adjust. You can avoid most of it by opening a new window with the game as the only tab, or just run the desktop version.

Yeah this is a bit of a necro, but figured it'd help to put the answer here!

As a Linux user that extensively uses different workspaces, if you have the game up in a browser on a workspace of it's own then it does not get slowed down if you switch to different workspaces.  I know there are numerous aftermarket versions of workspaces that can be added to Windows, not sure if some of these will work the same way or help with this issue there.

Complete a dungeon quest part of quest does not work properly.

Thanks for the report, there was indeed an issue preventing dungeon quests from completing, the bug has been fixed in the new version.·View all by Woetnie·Report·Embed

