


Retro and Electronic Music Pack

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Hi! I can't find info on the licensee for this music, it wasn't included in the zip. We're looking at using your music for a podcast and wanted to make sure we're covered

it is covered for that use, don’t worry! :)

Would I be able to use these as BGM for an upcoming TTRPG stream?

this does indeed allow you to do that!

It may get pinged because the music is content IDd to stop people using it illegally but if you show your proof of purchase it should fix that!

Hi. I've just released a game featuring your awesome music. If you'd like to take a look, here's the link

Thank you so much! That's awesome! Game looks super cool! Nice work!

I haven't had the chance to use any of these yet but just listening through them these sound so amazing. Great job!

Thank you so much! Glad you like them!

These are amazing. Used some in my last game,MoonShooter.

Thank you so much! Awesome work with completing your game!

Dude, this is S.I.C.K.
Glad I found this, love at first listen.

Thank you so much! Glad you like it!

Hi there. I've bought this pack with Help Ukraine bundle. I've tried to make a game for gamejam using it.  I've failed :) GTFORM v0.5 . Btw, your music is awesome!

So glad you like the pack!!! Checked out the game, nice work! Keep making games, looking forward to seeing more!

Are these songs DMCA free? 
And can we use them for twitch?
On what kind of socials do you have?

Hey! Thanks so much! Really glad you like it!

They sure are!

In fact, this pack gives you the music royalty free! So it's also fine for commercial use (games, films, etc.) at no extra cost!

All my socials are on my profile, but here they are for you again!
SoundCloudBandCampSpotify or anywhere else!

Are these MP3/Ogg files or the like? Would it be permissible, if one purchases your music pack, to adapt any tracks to a MIDI, tracker, or similar format for use in games that run on real retro hardware?

The pack contains mp3, ogg, wav and m4a file types! Unfortunately it doesn't include the midi data, but if you have a way of re-creating the midi, then you're absolutely welcome to adapt them to run on real retro hardware! This pack includes an unlimited usage license so take them and go wild! If you do make something like that, I'd love for you to share it with me so I can check it out!! :)·View all by Slaleky·Report·Embed

