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i like how if you do tiny strokes you can just draw lol

hahaha definitely not intended, but this is great!

he about to go hit someone with that thing sus friend

I made the smallest, doodle thing

Also, huge??

I tried drawing amogus, but i got this.

It had the right color, but not the right eye positions and leg positions.

Interesting concept, there where many times where my drawings (the lines - not being filled in) didn't clear when restarting, along with mouths appearing over the eyes, legs overlapping, gaps, along with a few other issues, but all in all. it got me drawing random shapes to see what happens. good work. i like the style.

Hey, thanks for checking it out and taking the time to give feedback! Got that all jotted down now, and hopefully have it all sorted when I next update this project! Thanks again!!

i made alot of things

i tried to write "Meow"

I tried to draw my cat who was kinda blocking my screen for the one above (also yellow?)

i tried to draw a cat head

this is me trying to write "Cat"


this is just a squiggle


"Fword", not actually the f-word


the first time i tried to draw a cat


chaos (also its the "Lively Rijjyloopy")

i saw someone in the comments drew a bird and i wanted to do that too. im not very good a dawing birds lmao

this is the first one i drew! i was just drawing whatever

Wow you really had a session here! Especially love the bird, had a good laugh at that.

Deleted post2 years ago
Deleted1 year ago

Is a borb! Love this so much, thanks for making it my friend~

Wow! This is insane! Thanks for checking it out!

asussy monster (i am so funny right)

*bum bum bum bum bum bum bum, bum-bum bum*

dinosaur with a brain tumor

its not a bug , its a feature!

Ok this might have to be my favorite one yet. Unimaginable amounts of class. 

Tried to create an eldritch being, got this masterpiece- 

Back to the depths of hell with that!

I filled in the entire screen lol

I also made this dude and i absolutely love him 

Hahah now that's a first!

I think i broke the fill mechanic, 2 or more loops make this happen.

Two loops? I'm surprised your PC didn't implode! Haha yeah the fill is a bit hit and miss at the moment.

I actually want to draw a sheep, and this happens. Love this guy

i made an octopus

this is so cute ahaha

thanks for checking it out!

haha amazing, i love the drum roll!

thanks so much for checking it out!!

made a pashartong 10/10 game

pashatong? I’m sure it’s wonderful! Thanks for playing!

So funny, I keep making some real characters

thanks for playing! I'd love to see them!

This was absolutely adorable. Saved to my collection to make future friends!

hahaha love that! Thanks for playing!·View all by RuddyGoodProductions·Report·Embed

