And here's my second Sacred Forge Tale for Pathfinder - this one is set around the timeframe of Pathfinder Second Edition, and ties into a unique storyline a friend and I are working on.
Somewhere within the borders of the nation of Andoran lies the lair of the Golden Dragon Vyzza. Like most Gold Dragons, Vyzza is known for her wisdom, but she is also renowned as a skilled weaponsmith, having learned techniques from Elves, Dwarves, and many other Ancestries to forge a wide variety of enchanted swords.
However, even remaining mostly secluded in her lair, Vyzza has still been able to keep abreast of current events. The undead sorcerer Tar-Barphon, the Whispering Tyrant, has escaped from his prison, established a base of operations in the Isle of Terror, and nearly took over the city of Absalom. Tensions between Andoran, a newly-freed democratic republic, and the demon-worshipping empire of Cheliax are rising and approaching the brink of war. She has even heard rumors of a cult of demon-worshippers on the move, attempting to set in motion a plot which might threaten all of Golarion.
Then, one day in 4720 AR, Vyzza received a visitor. A humble farmer, one who was guided to Vyzza’s lair in a dream. Atria wasn’t even the one who owned her farm, just one of the hired hands. And yet she held great passion and strength that shone through when talking to Vyzza, and a willingness to fight to defend her home.
She just needed a blade. One Vyzza could provide.
Wood 0, Fire 0, Earth 0, Metal 0, Water 0
Destiny: 20
Of course, Vyzza couldn’t just make a sword out of thin air, and her hoard lacked any materials suitable for forging a blade for Atria. A special material was needed, and so Vyzza sent Atria out to find adequate supplies of Orichalcum, the rarest and most valuable of skymetals and easy to enchant. It took Atria some time, but she returned with plenty of the metal.
Rolled 4 Dice: 4 (Metal) +1
Wood 0, Fire 0, Earth 0, Metal 2, Water 0
Destiny: 20 - 4 = 16
Now it was time to work the material into a blade. Vyzza did not need a traditional smithing fire, instead using her own flames as a Gold Dragon to heat the metal, while still keeping a careful eye on the delicate changes of color in the metal while hammering it into the desired shape. Thinking of the simple longsword Atria had started her journey with, Vyzza shaped the blade into a broadsword, her blows with the hammer engraving an elegant damascus pattern down the blade’s length.
Rolled 4 Dice: 1 (Wood)
Wood 1, Fire 0, Earth 0, Metal 2, Water 0
Destiny: 16 - 4 = 12
Once the blade was hot enough and in the desired shape, it was time to quench it, so it was hard enough to withstand the trials that lay ahead for Atria. She covered the blade in melted salt that cooled it slowly and evenly, letting the metal within solidify with a much greater durability.
Rolled 4 Dice: 3 (Earth)x2
Wood 1, Fire 0, Earth 2, Metal 2, Water 0
Destiny: 12 - 4 = 8
Once the blade was shaped and forged, it needed to be sharpened to a razor’s edge. Atria frequently peeked in during the process,but Vyzza was a Gold Dragon who had lived for millennia, to the point where some would consider her ancient. Vyzza had the patience, the endurance, and more importantly the tools. She used a stone seamed through with crystal particles that hummed musically, resonating with the blade and producing a calming melody.
Rolled 4 Dice: 6 (Energy)
Wood 1, Fire 0, Earth 2, Metal 2, Water 1
Destiny: 8 - 4 + 1 = 5
Finally, it was time to finish the blade. Vyzza gave it a hilt and a crossguard, but it needed to be infused with magic to be any more than just a well-made sword. It also needed a name. Vyzza sat in human form with the blade in her lap, meditating for three days. Atria, understandably, was confused and didn’t think it looked like a ritual at all… until an otherworldly creature, an Archon serving Iomedae itself, appeared to touch the blade with a conferred blessing from the Goddess.
Rolled 5 Dice: 6 (Energy)
Wood 1, Fire 2, Earth 2, Metal 2, Water 1
Lightseeker is a consecrated broadsword with an elegant Damascus pattern along its length. While it lacks the harmony of a true ‘Holy’ blade, it still has a decent harmony between Fire, Earth, and Metal. It is a blade of radiant purity and light, which sings joyously when it is swung through the air.
Hopefully it will serve Atria well in her quest to protect her homeland from the dangers that are to come…
Again, my rolls weren't as lucky as I could have wanted. At least I got a Consecrated Blade this time as opposed to an Ordinary one like Earthshaker from my last tale.
A few notes: First, the story of this tale's Hero, Atria, will be expanded upon in the story with my friend. We have some interesting items planned for it.
For the second note, choosing Metal in Bones of the Blade gives you 'a legendary metal, fallen from heaven'. In Pathfinder, there areseveral metals 'fallen from heaven' that can be worked with in weaponry, under the collective term of 'skymetals'. Orichalcum is the rarest and most valued, easy to enchant and with temporal properties, giving anything made with it limited self-repair. It made a good choice for Lightseeker.
Who knows where I'll go from here. I might do more Pathfinder-based tales, or I might go for settings like Dragon Age or Legend of the Five Rings.
I hope you all enjoy! :D