


Making a platformer platformer

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I probably would've enjoyed this game more,if it wasn't for the part where you have to avoid really slow moving platforms covered with spikes on a moving platform, where you have little control to move, apart from that. Good job!

Thanks so much! The last part is extremely challenging, I suppose I will make it easier once the jam ends.

Yeah I had the same experience. I think it also has alot to do with the overly floaty jump and the big hitboxes. There are a couple of videos on youtube explaining how to make a 'good jump', you should take a look. I think blackthorn himself made a really good one. But the idea of the game is pretty good

Thanks for playing! I definitely did not realize how difficult the final part was, since I don't really have a playtester. Interestingly enough, my player movement is mostly derived from a BTP tutorial. Next jam, I'll make sure to make the movement feel more solid.


Thanks for playing! I definitely did not realize how difficult the final part was, since I don't really have a playtester. Interestingly enough, my player movement is mostly derived from a BTP tutorial. Next jam, I'll make sure to make the movement feel more solid.


I've posted a video so you can see the whole game, and with explanation to make it a bit easier.

Very fun. Very hard.

Thanks so much! Were you able to complete it and what was your time?

Escape wasn't working to pause it

Escape is to quit the game. I'll look into it later today.·View all by Goel·Report·Embed

