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Hey! Thanks for being in the loop with the game. We had some exciting things happen last year which means that the game could become way bigger than we initially expected it to be. We renovated our steam page 2 months ago and there’s a lot more details to what’s coming way sooner than you may think ;)
the second weapon is ridiculously broken.
Let me explain
The first weapon
- punishes you for playing safe
- has a shit damage output unless you live dangerously
The second weapon
-rewards you for playing safe
- has a ridiculous damage output.
My suggestion - make the first weapon have a slight damage curve.
nerf the damage output on the second one
seriously, it wasn't much of a grind to do all of the bosses hitless.
hi, thanks a lot for the input!
for this demo, we wanted to try out what would the game look like if we added a weapon that rewards a safe gameplay style. Before, this weapon would do more damage the faster you were while picking it up (therefore, also rewarding danger), but we wanted to give iteration a shot.
being honest, I am not extremely happy with how that specific attack turned out, and we will definitely tune it for the final game
thank you for commenting, and I'll raise this up again to our designer!