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Omg I can't figure out what the second illustration is! Please somebody help me 😭

It's Arvo putting on a sweater that Rune lends him

So I need to do Rune's route?

Yeah, look for the key with him.

What Furrys can you date

Except Travis. Travis is special. Don't be like Travis.

Seriously, don't be like travis, he is probably the only dislikeable character in this game

Deleted post2 years ago
Deleted2 years ago

Better to say a "language" instead of "tongue".  ^^"

Deleted post2 years ago
Deleted2 years ago

I'll try to do that in the next release, thanks!

Is the main menu supposed to look like this in 0.2.1? It looks a bit broken.

It broken bro

Will there ever be a Travis route? He looks cute AND owns a Vita!

i want one too 😭

Has anyone elses saves been deleted. I had like 12 pages of saves, (I save at every choice) and now I have half of 1. I'm confused?

I think it's just you

Queston. How can i get Klaus's route? He kinda mysterious and i kinda like him

Wii_U2 years ago(1 edit)(+2)

Do Devon's route, but don't offer to help with the telescopes.

Hey. Have you ever wondered about Boosty page? Since i live in Russia and due to the current circumstances i can't pay my Patreon membership anymore... Is there any ways to get new Rune update without using Patreon?

ой как неожиданно и приятно увидеть кого-то из России🥰

Такое удивление, будто русские не могут играть в фурри-новеллы без пиратского перевода🌚😂

в основном перевод и ждут, мне их даже жалко, столько контента упускают конечно, перевод tennis ace они как минимум три года ждать будут бедные😭

Deleted post2 years ago
Deleted2 years ago

честно говоря впервые слышу об этой новелле, поэтому ничего сказать не могу(

Deleted post2 years ago
Deleted2 years ago


If I could recommend something, is have much more saves. I want to do every possible path bbut I've run out of saves on day 2

Devon is so cute and charming

how do i get the 5th illustration?

Pretty sure its part of the Mikko/Bjorn route where youre listening to music in Mikko's room and you choose to move closer to him?

Yep, it is just checked

Finally an update about my favourite character !

Devon is easily in my top 5 FVN characters ever, I really love how his character is written

Too bad the update is kinda short but at least we had some progression in our relationship with him (at this point I just want to hug him so bad)

I've been waiting for Devon's update for so long, God, finally

thank you for your work!! 

I love everything about this vn omg-
Though I'm curious, are we gonna see any new Bjorn content any time soon? :))

this is an absolutely amazing game and all of the characters are super loveable ^w^ especially Jorgen in my personal opinion, also, are you planning on doing everyones story to completion eventually and/or giving everyone "fiesty" scenes? xD

This is just a guess, as I'm not a dev, but considering that 3 characters already have scenes, I'd say yes.

If I were to see this as a movie A24 would produce it. It's very arthouse-y and I can already see the high contrasted shots of empty spaces. Mikko and the MC on the ground playing with music while animated squiggles appear over their bodies as the music overtakes them. A slightly red-tinted shot of Torulf flirting with the MC, all while closing the gap between the two of them.

I love the artistic flair. I love everything about this fucking game. If I had cash I would support the shit out of this game. But I don't so take this comment to perk up your life.

Deleted post2 years ago
Deleted2 years ago
Wii_U2 years ago(1 edit)(+6)

Translation: hello, excuse me for my language, but I wanted to inform you about this problem.

This person re-uploaded your gane and they're charging for it.

I love the stories in the game, the storylines are so nice to relive multiple times and go over them again. Can't wait for the next update for this game so I can continue on some of the routes that were not done. 

I absolutely love this game. It is so heartwarming, so wholesome, so good, so fun, it has a bit of comedic in it. It's just so good. And I absolutely love Mikko and Lake. I would do Rune's route later but as in right now I wanna do these 2 routes. Keep up the amazing work guys!~~

I love this and I love Rune! He's so adorable and the scenes after the events of day 2 were fantastic!

How many days are planned for this vn

I'm not the dev, but I'm pretty sure 5.

I've returned to play the new update and I'm so impressed by the new illustrations done by Prince O'sky I'm already dying for a new update. - :3

What's new in 0.19.2? Bugfixes?

Correct, only a few bugfixes.

Good to know, thanks for answering. 

I am jiggling with excitement, can't wait for more updates!

The recent update just made me confirm once again that Lake is best boy...  yes! ... and that CG is beautiful! ... 

Lake in day 2 is so ADORBLE and CUTE! 

anyway have a good day or evening :) 

Cant wait for next update

saw lake and i ran here

Ok so this is relatively unimportant but I noticed that with the font used to display names, there is no character for the letter Å, Æ, Ö, Ä, Ü, and ß. However, it does have the character for Ø, and this confused me. In the next update would it be possible for some more unique characters to be added for the player name?

such a good vn!

Is this fine?

It's most likely a false positive, you should be able to download and play with no worries.

False positives happen more often than not when using virustotal, so you shouldn't be worried. I even checked the files myself,  the files for the game engine are identical to other visual novels. The game engine used isn't malware either, it's an open source project that's been around for 18 years.

Alright, thanks!

Can anyone tell me how to get the first picture of Runes shower cg? I got the second one but am having a hard time trying too get the first one..

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted1 year ago

Ty. I did not think of that. Is that the only SFW image at the moment?

naw there is a lot of sfw cgs

I worded that wrong. I meant was it the only image you needed to be on sfw mode to unlock because i got every other image on nsfw mode.

insightful stuff ethan

Hi Keo! Hope you are doing alright. Is there a Bjørn update in the next months? Have been missing my sweet bear since October's update 😊

Yes, the next month I'm working on his update :)

Happy to hear it! Sorry for not replying sooner. Stay safe and healthy!

Just played the Mikko update and I loved it! I have a thing for playing a game/update like weeks after it's released, kind of stupid, but whatever.

One of the best visual novels I have ever played, I love the sound track, the art and the story. I have probably spent hours on this game; completing every  route and have enjoyed all of it.  Cant wait for v0.19 keep this amazing work coming.

Deleted account3 years ago
Deleted post

I'm in love with the story and artwork of this game its such a nice experience after I played through the emotionally scarring game Echo 

Also wondering when v0.19will be released to because idk if it's my small monkey brain or its just not clear to me.


It says that v0.19 will be released on the 28th of March, can't wait to play Lake's route ^^

PD: I totally agree, the artwork and the story of this VN are incredible.
PD 2: Sorry for the late reply D:

That's 3 days after my birthday, love to see it. :D

Yeah this VN really helps if you played Echo before... Even more if you're a Leo x Chase Shipper like me.

Ethali3 years ago(1 edit)(+1)

that being the only route I did it hit hard I was so sad after no matter what ending you get it always bad in some cases 

Yeah i'ts really sad. Not the best thing but at least some fanfics tried to cover a ''happy'' ending (or a continuation) for best Wolf and best Chula Otter; last one I read was ''I want to talk about it'' you should check it out!.


Kudzu when you pick Leo over him

I played this game a while back and fell in love with it. But i had to step away because honestly parts hit home so hard it was hard. And thats a good thing. The story was relatable in a way i wasn't expecting. Ill probably try to jump back in now that there have been updates.

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Updated 16 days ago

