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Very enjoyable game! I will say though after I discovered that Slenderman sounds like the zombies from Call Of Duty it really took the horror aspect out of it for me. I also played this using a controller and a lot of the time I would open a door I would be stuck until I paused/unpaused the game. The atmosphere and jumpscares were fantastic though! Keep up the hard work!
This game looks and feels incredibly nice. I loved the story and I loved the graphics. One thing I’d like to complain about is that it took me a couple tries to be able to jump high enough to get on the stool or the crate. That part was frustrating but it wasn’t enough to ruin the game for me. Can’t wait for part 2!
A decent attempt at a Slender game - it was good to see something different from the old-school, 'collect 8 pages' mechanics of previous Slender titles. Some good jump-scares and atmosphere too, though the later jump-scares aren't quite as impactful as earlier ones. Nonetheless, a commendable effort - it'll be interesting to see what the dev creates next!
I really enjoyed this game the atmosphere at the start was eary and i like some of the puzzles that were around but one thing i did like but i think could be worked on is the story because it is a little hard to keep up with at times like why are we helping kids near the end and.
I do like some of the jumpscares the game had but near the end where slender man would just stand there and dissapears or suddenly pops up combined with him not doing much damage does make him feel a little less scary.
But those are only a few small things so i look foward to part 2 of the game and I hope you enjoy this video.
This was a great introduction to the world of Slenderman even though it's been years since it was popular.
Was made really well and gave me some spooks n jumps but there were some spelling errors and a little bit of bugs I came across.
For my video I made a great intro to add some lore (even though it's not part of yours) and added some music to fit the theme. Hopefully you (dev) enjoy this and others too who take their time to watch!