


Slender Mirror World (Part I)

Slender Mirror World (Part I)

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I liked this game. Definitely scared me a few times. Though not sure if you knew, the volume for the intro isn't connected to the game volume, so it was pretty loud during that. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to future updates. :)

Great game!Really loved it and had a whole lot of fun with it! Got scared a little too many times, but enjoyed the game anyways! Keep up the good work!

Slenderman has been beautifully brought back to life in this latest slender game. SO MANY jumpscares, so much terror! Great effort and thank you for making this game. Truly terrifying!

If you fancy seeing me screaming for my life then look no further 😱

The game broke on me, many bugs and I couldn't retry when I died, but here's a jump scare for you.

This was a fun interesting take on the slenderman lore. I highly enjoyed it. I just want to know, I found a random door that was in a VERY narrow alley way that you can't get to. Was that placed there intentionally? At about 11:32 on my playthrough.

Love it.nice graphics for low end pc so smooth.

wait part2.

THIS GAME WAS TERRIFYING... loved it tho ngl

What can I say about this game but amazing!!!!! Not only did the ju.pscares got me but the story , ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I want to know so much like why is he kidnapping children and those poor souls.

I thought this was superb!

I was so gripped, loved the puzzles amd stuff. Some things spooked me up. Great one!

Tried playing, died, went to retry and kept saying i was dead, this was after i got the cowg wheel, i found a few bugs throughout the game. 
I really wanted to play it, but i just couldn't as it wouldn't let me :/

Excelente juego, no hiciste lo mismo como los otros SLENDERMAN, cambiaste y te salió muy bien, espero con ansias la versión completa

i Screamed way to much playing this Game lol GG LsGameDev

Awesome game cant wait for part 2. Part 1 had lots of suspense that really scared me 

Genuinely great game! You got the balance of suspense and jumpscares perfect. I actually can't wait for part two, let me know when you release it!

Where do I start.... Well I guess we can start from crapping my pants several time...... OMG the environment and the eerie-ness was the most unsettling. The Graphics and SFX were on point and look forward to Part 2!!! VERY good job and keep it up! 

Yours Truly,


Very enjoyable game! I will say though after I discovered that Slenderman sounds like the zombies from Call Of Duty it really took the horror aspect out of it for me. I also played this using a controller and a lot of the time I would open a door I would be stuck until I paused/unpaused the game. The atmosphere and jumpscares were fantastic though! Keep up the hard work!

we had some fun playing this, took us awhile to find the first key but after that it got a lot more fun!

Had a really good time with this game. Its been ages since I've even picked up a slender game. Cant wait for part 2! If ya like my video, consider subscribing. Thanks!!!

a really good and scary game, the jumping mechanic was a bit off tho 

This game was amazing and I loved it... it also scared me good xD


Игра ностальгическая, правда много багов которых всё таки нужно исправить, а так супер! The game is nostalgic, though there are a lot of bugs that still need to be fixed, and so super!

#slendermanmirrorworld #slenderman #slendermangame #слендермен

This game looks and feels incredibly nice. I loved the story and I loved the graphics. One thing I’d like to complain about is that it took me a couple tries to be able to jump high enough to get on the stool or the crate. That part was frustrating but it wasn’t enough to ruin the game for me. Can’t wait for part 2! 

great game liked it alot! I cant wait for the second part of it! 

this was really good, really scary, the dark hues really gives it this dark shrouded world, cant wait for part 2 keep up the amazing work familia 

I enjoyed playing the game and can't wait to see the second part. right at the start you nailed it with the atmosphere and the whole way through I found it to be pretty good, the jump scares got me a few times, though at the end they became less scary when he would just stand there and not do much. but this was a unique approach towards a slender game and I think you did a really good job! keep up the great work and thank you for making this game! 

A decent attempt at a Slender game - it was good to see something different from the old-school, 'collect 8 pages' mechanics of previous Slender titles. Some good jump-scares and atmosphere too, though the later jump-scares aren't quite as impactful as earlier ones. Nonetheless, a commendable effort - it'll be interesting to see what the dev creates next!

I really enjoyed this game the atmosphere at the start was eary and i like some of the puzzles that were around but one thing i did like but i think could be worked on is the story because it is a little hard to keep up with at times like why are we helping kids near the end and.

I do like some of the jumpscares the game had but near the end where slender man would just stand there and dissapears or suddenly pops up combined with him not doing much damage does make him feel a little less scary.

But those are only a few small things so i look foward to part 2 of the game and I hope you enjoy this video.

This was a great introduction to the world of Slenderman even though it's been years since it was popular.

Was made really well and gave me some spooks n jumps but there were some spelling errors and a little bit of bugs I came across.

For my video I made a great intro to add some lore (even though it's not part of yours) and added some music to fit the theme. Hopefully you (dev) enjoy this and others too who take their time to watch!

-looks at the game
-8gb min, 16gb recommended
-9gb size
What have you done?

Scary Tall Man..... 

Really great game, though I'm scared to complete the rest of it. That hallway jumpscare killed me, lol. 10/10!

Here's my reaction.

Loved it. Keep up the good work

Really enjoyed this game so far! Going to upload the second part soon! Any feedback would be appreciated! 

This was an amazing and scary take on Slenderman. I loved the dream sequence and can’t wait for the next part! The jumpscares got good

Beyond happy to have a solid Slenderman game back in the scene! Really good use of atmosphere and jumpscares, they got me really good! 😂 The fact this is part 1, of a hopeful series, my eyes will truly be fixed on this! Nice work! 

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