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Note: this is a review of the 0.13.0 version so it has likely gotten only better since I downloaded an up to date version!

If you have not played this game yet you need to do so!  Though play at least until you reach act 2.  Act 1 seemed like it was open world but it is really very linear, however as soon as you reach Act 2 the game opens up and is amazing!  I came for the sex, but I stayed for the great stories and characters.  

The sex scenes were varied and well done though, especially in act 1, it was somewhat hard to see when I could advance to a new sex act with someone and for a game that lists the times you have had various sex acts with various people not getting to choose really which type of sex act you do except in a very few circumstances was strange.  Communicating somehow better that act 1 is linear and you have certain things you need to do in a certain order plot wise before the game opens up would be nice.

Once the game opens up however every system is fun and all the characters are great!  Particular stand outs for me were the story with the dream world queen - which was as moving as the best triple AAA game stories really - and the minotaur's story which had a very good shonen anime story vibe (real strength is friendship and heart!) that I enjoyed.  The story at the end after you go to your grandfather (which really what a fun way to do a mysterious plot central character) to get leads really picked up and was quite interesting.  Emma's story is also interesting and well done and wow WHO DOES HER SINGING?  and WHERE CAN I BUY HER SONGS?  Seriously.  This was almost as good as the karaoke songs in the Yakuza franchise.  Get this individual a recording contract!

The way I judge non-plot critical story elements of a game is if I do them and enjoy them as much as the story relevant material, and all of it here I did.  The school section was brilliant taking over the school and finding out about those characters and turning them into my personal harem was quite fun.  I expect it might be for legal reasons the school was called a college because it looked more like a highschool - I would be fine with calling it a highschool.

Having children with all the women in my harem and then going to play with them at the farm was brilliant!  Completely non plot relevant but great fun!  I loved especially the tea party group play.  Annie is an amazingly cute character and I delayed plot at some points to make sure I had found all the randomish events with her.  On a "dark" run (which really doesn't seem to be as possible as the game description makes it seem) I would love the ability to awaken her a bit ...   

Every game has flaws of course - it was unclear to me how the quirk system worked.  I opened up some during play, but it was unclear which ones could be unlocked and which ones couldn't yet and if unlocking them had any story/game play mechanics.  The girl who you can turn Yandre certainly had some interesting interactions and did make me feel like well she could actually kill me here - but she never really did and I fucked every woman in the game and had children with all of them but her.  The exploration sections are also somewhat frustrating as I can never be sure when I have found everything.  I think I did as it stopped giving me things I hadn't seen before.  Maybe add a map to the crystal store for these areas?  The only way really to get crystals also seemed to be from the random tasks from the mysterious merchant (an incredibly entertainingly written character) and the eldritch potions seemed to not do anything.  I also had three costumes left to unlock (one for Gwen and two for Jessica) that I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get.

Overall this is a very impressive game that I will definitely be following and likely throwing some money at soon!

Spent way more time on this game than I'll admit. Man this game would do just fine without the NSFW part ( I think lol). A shame I dont have access to Patreon (aka broke as shit)

Hey, thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! :) Don't worry about the financial support - honestly, I'm just happy to hear that people like CK!

Any kind of wiki to this? Or can you tell me about how to get Gwen yandere?

Keep doing things with other women and not with her and she should get more and more upset.  Once she starts coming into your bedroom with a knife you are there.

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted2 years ago

These are the things I think work for it yes.  All I have gotten is her going to my bedroom with a knife.

Couple questions (1) I have a six paragraph review that I just sent using the review system here.  Should I post the review in the comment section here?  Where can I post it to promote the game because wow do I want to promote this game!  (2) Game is long don't really want to start over every week when something new is added.  Are saves compatible between versions and do I just need to move save files out of the folder when I change versions and then replace them back once the update is complete?


Wow, a six-paragraph review? Thanks for taking the time to write out something that long! As to your questions:

1. You can post it here in the comments for sure, if you want to. As for advertising the game, honestly there isn't a great "marketing hub" for this kind of thing, but just spread the word if you can! I appreciate it :)

2. All saves are compatible between versions, and the game will automatically detect and transfer them over for you. You don't need to do a thing - just download the update and play! :)

Hope that answers your questions!

It does thanks!  I hope you received the review.

Anyone know who the girl is in the 4th slide?

You need to progress Roxy's story until you get asked to check the town.

If you explore in the town you might stumble upon a burning building, if you have the power to not get burned, check the second floor, then the first.

After finishing that part of the story you can return to the not-longer-burning building for two extra events.

There you'll find her.


First of all, just wanted to say I went into this not really expecting a whole lot besides some T&A but you've crafted a great story as well as appealing characters. Impressive work, especially for a project you're doing solo.

Secondly, just wondering how to raise my Magical stat? I have to find the goblin witch's hat to progress with Chloe and I can't seem to figure out how to do that.

Oh well, you need to explore in the outskirts to find the witch.

You can of course try to decode the directions (or find them on a random event there) 
But if you don't feel like doing that, it's North > West > South

She will tell you where to go later, and once you get an item check it on your inventory.

Then you will have a new icon in the map, you can proceed from there.

Oh yeah, after you get some training in you should check Chloe's room in the morning.

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted2 years ago

You can "cheat" money into the game via the laptop in your room in Act Two. You can also "cheat" the Gallery to be fully unlocked in the same way. Apart from that, no, there are no cheats - and trying to edit any other variables can and will break your game.

Hey. How does the pregnancy system work? I am in Act 2 and have fucked Gwen and Chloe multiple times. Each time cumming inside them. Yet nothing has happened. Are there only specific characters who can get pregnant?

Yes. Arc has yet to implement it for some girls.

The ones you can get preggers are.

Kana, Pixie, Lily, Jessica, Madison, Veronica, Annie, Asteria, Emma and Luna.

And there's some conditions to trigger pregnancy with those girls.

  1. The "(You feel like something is preventing (???) from getting pregnant!)" message appens because of a multitude of reasons.
    * She doesn't love you enough (has to be at love 4)
    * She's already pregnant (wait a week)
    * She has a kid in the daycare (can't have more than one)
    * You have not been to the nexus (tutorial girl hasn't told you the rules)

Also when I tried to impregnate Jessica it said something prevented it. How do I remove the  block?

(I am from China and I wrote these words using google translate and made some changes, hope these words convey my meaning correctly)

First of all, thank you for taking the time to bring you such a great game. In particular, this game is entirely built on the love and expectations of its creators rather than a formulaic product from some big studio.

This game also gave a lot of shock and inspiration. When I started playing I had no idea what I was going to be playing, but after my full experience, I found it to be a total feast. I was shocked that the content of this game is far richer than I imagined, from the detailed character plot to the art design of huge scenes and characters, they fully reflect the intention of the author of this game and the efforts of the author.

My take on it is that it's a REAL fantasy.

 At the same time, you made me realize that hope and will are the biggest motivations for things to happen, and I have deep respect for you.

I hope that with your hard work, this game can go to the day it is officially sold, but I still feel a little reluctant in my heart.I've always felt that the best times are when people are looking forward to the game being made, like we're now waiting for the game to get better, and you're communicating with us and relentlessly fleshing it out.

But isn't it more important to look forward to the birth of great achievements? 

lol that's also exciting.

So what I'm trying to say is that now everyone thinks it's progressing for the better, and you've been on the right track, and I think so too. Hopefully this game has a brighter future, and you're unwavering in what you do.

I think I will recommend this game to everyone and will support and experience it for a long time.

Respect and blessings to you.

Almost forgot, looking forward to the next update!!!its so amazing just cant wait!!!!

Thank you very much for your kind words and detailed message! It must have taken a lot of time to write and edit your message, and I appreciate it :)

I'm very happy that you're enjoying the game so much, and I hope you like everything I have planned for the future!

Uhm, I'm currently experiencing problems. I mean, I've been experiencing some bugs. In the main menu where we can choose the extras and replay the scenes, there have been some problem in that section. The replays were locked. (some cases, characters too) Like that scene when me, gwen, and chloe had intercourse in the lab. It became locked in the extras when it should be unlocked because I already passed that event, yes, I'm already in the act2 yet I can't replay them. Of course, I don't wanna start at the very beginning just to rewind some scenes. About those 2 girls in the dojo, I already did intercourse with them. Are they part of the side characters? If yes, then I'm experiencing a bug, 'cause none of the characters in the side characters section are unlocked. I hope you can fix this in future updates! Just don't overdo the work, it may be bad for your health. Anyways, I'm enjoying it!!

Don't worry about the gallery. Of course, if you "really" want them, you have the possibility to get them later in the game via your laptop.

"Cheating can be the solution" 

The system for the gallery unlocks isn't perfect.

Sometimes it fails.

I mean, for once, it isn't really stored on a per-save basis. It's instead saved on a persistent file that keeps data that carries over all saves, like the settings.

Either way, like Micka mentioned, you can just go to the laptop and use the gallery unlock cheat.

Yes, I already tried the cheat to unlock the gallery, but I ended up losing the thrills. Anyways, it worked!

This game is great! I've been looking for good quality games that can run smoothly in android, but I cannot. I mean, It's hard to find one, but I saw this one and tried. Despite of having many animations, it run quite smooth in my android and it's not even crashing! (Because I downloaded many games like this but they keep crashing, perhaps, my phone can't handle them, but glad my phone managed to handle this one). Please, continue this and make more updates, I cannot support you with money because I'm still a teen and don't have a work, but, yes, I'll wish for your good health to continue this masterpiece!

Thank you very much for the compliment and the kind wishes! I'm glad you're enjoying the game (and can actually play it!) and I hope you enjoy everything I have planned for the future, too!

And don't worry about not being able to support me with money - I'm just happy that people play and enjoy my game :)

how did you get past the naming of the main character? it will not let me progress past that point.

Probably the most engaging and diverse content I've seen in a game. Really impressive. That Minotaur woman had me in a gay panic, definitely replaying for that story again. 

Haha, well thank you for the high praise! I appreciate it :) And I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I hope you enjoy it just as much on the replay, and all the future content I have planned!

holy shit this game has had me by the throat for the past like two entire weeks i think i'm fully caught up with every storyline

I'm happy you're enjoying the game so much! :) I appreciate the kind words, and I hope you like what's coming in future updates too!

What the hell I just cant stop playing this game. More interesting stuff just pops up all the time

I'm glad you're enjoying it! :) Thanks for the kind words - and I hope you continue to enjoy what I have planned for the future!

three words: "we stan gramps"

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted305 days ago

no cap

In response to your kind words, Gramps would like me to tell you:  "Ga-hahahaha!"

I have a question for you TheArcadean… how long would you estimate until you have all the storylines for this game finished? Not including any bugs, or artwork touch-ups, just the actual story and the stories for the girls finished. 

P.S. I don’t offer this a lot, but as an English and Writing major, let me know if you’d ever like any help proofreading/correcting any errors with sentences. I have enough free time on my hands to play these games, and yours is good enough that if I can assist in making it perfect, I’d like to. Or any help really, anything would feel more productive with my time than the other things I do. Plus this game is so good that it has lowered my standards for other games… lmao

Launched the game for the first time since version 12.3 and all my saves are gone. yay :(  guess i'll just have to grind  it again. though the game is still pretty good and deserves a download.

sorry to hear that bro, just change the option in your ”Preferences” tab (after you right click) to ”Skip: Unseen Text”, and also there is luckily a (TEMPORARY) cheat option for any resources you’d need (for both Human and Fey),  so it’s not really “grinding,” it’s really just getting through all the text and grinding-esque scenes ;)

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted1 year ago

once you finish the apartment bit & move into the mansion, use your PC and find the "cheats" menu

it should be there somewhere, if the version you're using still let's you

where do you get your music, because the music that plays when I first get to the flat sounds just like scarlet law title screen

.Don't know about Scarlet Law, but there's a chance that it's the same music.

Indie devs can't really afford to compose their own music, so they use royalty free stuff.

Big chance you hear some of the songs here somewhere else.
I mean, I heard the "sex music" in a local burger king ad.
And the "farm music" in a health insurance ad.

Either way, the prologue music when you get to the flat is Memories byBenjamin Tissot.

Spy1493 years ago(1 edit)(+3)

Played for the porn, stayed for the story. I shit you not, this game has an amazing story.  Hell I'm just at Act 2 and it moved me.    Now....  How to tell others about this great storyline within a game, without saying its also a porn game....   well my name will prob give me away to those who find this game....  but hey, its human nature to pleasure oneself

edit: how could it have a....   well just, like damn....

what the hell? im almost crying now...    To the team who made this; Bravo. You all have a bright future in visual novels.....  and if you are a single person, creator...    You are a fucking legend man. I want to share this game with others, but most of my outlets I'm followed by family and whatnot, so....   yeah, im in a tough spot.  Keep up the good work

No team - just me, I'm afraid :) But thank you for the kind words! It means a lot to hear that my little effort moved you in any way. I'm really glad that you're enjoying the game so much, and I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future!

great game but this is my first visual novel and i usually have a few weeks gap between playing the game so how do you guys remember the story properly xd

Umm so.. I have a problem at the game, When I press start it always crashes any solutions?

I play in android

Deleted account3 years ago
Deleted post

I'm glad you're enjoying the game! I hope you continue to enjoy everything I have planned for the future, too :)

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted2 years ago

And thankyou for playing! :)

Duuude I sat on the menu for 30 minutes jamming out to the music. what is that song I need it. I havent even played the game yet i cant stop listening to this song

What Cursed said :) Specifically, the Argofox remix. You can find it right here:

Thank you for the update, as always, is a verry good work. I'd like to ask, can we have more events whith our children and their mothers? The ones we have are realy realy wholesome and i would love to see more.

Yes, but sadly due to the nature of the game, it's not really a priority.

I mean, even the pregnancy system as a whole is entirely optional.

I'unno, maybe if we rile up enough people he might add some more stuff.
But like I said, not really a priority. 
People are already riled up about other types of content.

What Cursed said, basically - since the pregnancy system can be turned off in preferences (and a lot of people do turn it off) I can't dedicatetoo much time to it. That being said, I enjoy writing wholesome scenes more than any other so it doesn't take a lot of convincing to make me do more of it ;)

The game is great but I kinda don't like the new character redesign really. I feel like the old ones are more charming. Is there a way that I can download a version with the old character model instead of the new one? Please reply.


Arc won't provide you one, and neither will I.

You're welcome to scour the internet and try to find a severely outdated version of the game.


Welp, worth the asking.

Sorry, very bad English. How do I get out of morgana after using nexus? It's just that I've been stuck for two days because of it

Download the game again, try to use official sources because other sites might have a buggy version.

I am stuck. How do I gain the trust of Chasity and the organization?

Just follow the "ORGANISATION" and "ELDRITCH" leads (click the envelope in the top-right of the screen) :)

Android download saying file can't be opened

Android has this weird thing where you need 3-5 times as much storage space free as the app actually takes up. So you may not have enough space - you'll need between 3 and 5GB.

Heya, sorry, I don't know if this is an acceptable place to leave bug reports, or if you'd prefer elsewhere, but I have run into a bit of a progression blocker. I can't progress with Emma, Morgana, Pixie, Lyx, or any story that requires anything to happen in Morgana's area, since the prompt to leave it has stopped coming up and any time I enter I'm trapped unless I rollback to a save before I went in.

I only started playing today, but I'm really loving it so far! Some of the scenes and writing I feel almost should be in something more widespread than an adult VN - without wanting to spoil too much for anyone not there yet, I'll just say that the scene in which Lily breaks her bat was a particular standout highlight, keep up the fantastic work!

You would get a quicker response on the discord server.

That was a bug on the 0.13.3 version for supporters which was promptly patched for the public release on here.
Did you get a leaked version?

Please, try to only get the game from official sources. 
Not for any anti-piracy bullshit, but because Arc isn't really responsible for the uploads on sites aside from Patreon, Subscribestar or

They might leak a buggy version of the game and then not even bother uploading the patched version.

So the solution would be to download 0.13.3a from official sources, or better yet, wait for the 0.13.4 release this in two days (thursday)

I was unaware of any leaked version, but that does make sense considering I did discover it from a different site.
I'll be sure to stick to here in future, now I know of this page. Like I said, I'm hooked, so I'll be aiming to support properly as soon as I can.
Completely random side note: I've been having trouble finding how to have a custom avatar and I notice you have one, I had assumed it was a creator only type thing, am I mistaken?

The profile picture is unrelated to being a game dev or not.
It's just your profile picture for your profile.

Find the "view profile" option and then edit profile.

Good morning, I downloaded the newest version. I was wondering how should I install it so I can keep my data from the previous  version?

If you're on PC, Mac or Linux just download the update and extract it to a fresh folder (or use the app to download the patch). If you're on Android, download the update and install over the old version. The game will automatically transfer your save files over - you don't need to do a thing :)

your best bet is to get the itch launcher. it updates games automatically 

Hey, great game - definitely going to be buying it shortly - is there any downside to using the Dungeon to train up Submission? I'm going for a good guy route so dont wanna screw myself over. Thanks

Not really.
The game doesn't branch that much. Currently there's no content that makes a difference if you were "good" or "bad", there might be some in the future but it will probably be kept to a minimum.

Arc doesn't seem to like branching too much.
Even less forcing players to replay the game to see content they missed.

Hey, thanks for the kind words - and for considering supporting the game! I really appreciate it :)

As Cursed said, there's no downside to using the dungeon. As a solo dev, going for a true branching narrative is more or less impossible so I tend to stick to "self-contained" choices (with things like "Kind" and "Cruel" options opening up different events later on). Also, yes, I hate when games force you to replay the entire game just to see a handful of scenes you missed because you were on a different "path" :P

I hope that emma or chiyome gets more action in future updates

Emma is a main girl, so definitely more content.

Chiyome is a side girl, but I heard that the kunoichi are going to have a bit more importance in the story later on.

I honestly wasn't expecting to get so engrossed in the story when I first downloaded this. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, however, I'm loving it. That said, brainwashing someone so they'll fuck you and be your slave is pretty fucked up. Morality aside, this game is awesome. The fact it's still in Alpha is even more impressive.

Hey, thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you're enjoying the game :) And yes, I actually agree with you that it's a messed-up thing to do. The MC is deliberately portrayed as - atbest - morally grey, and Chloe and Gwen's storylines are going to delve pretty deeply into what you did to them and if you can - or should, orwill - give them back their free will.

That being said, of course, it's supposed to be afun game so don't expect too much monologuing or hand-wringing on the subject ;)

I really love this game, but when an update came how do i update it? im kinda concerned on losing my Progress, does it update like the other games on playstore?

also theres a problem on andoid version, when you closed the app in backround apps it will play any music thats in the game you have to reopen it and close it again in backround app

This game is sideloaded, can't have games like this on the playstore.

So to update you download the apk and install it on top of the old one.
Also make sure to have enough free space, because Android being weird it always asks for 3-4GB in free space, sometimes more.

Can't find a way to replicate the background issue.

I love Asteria but her eyes need to be fixed, its highly distracting that her eyes are above her hair while everyone else's is under. Is there a reason for this?

That's the way she was made.
But it's up to Arc. Don't think it will happen, but you should never take my word for granted.

I go back and forth on Asteria's eyes. Sometimes they're below her hair and sometimes they're above. The issue is that the facial expressions on KK (the software I use) are limited and are mostly done through the eyes/eyebrows. So when I hide Asteria's eyes completely it becomes impossible to get a "read" on her from most angles. And she'ssupposed to be a very expressive personality.

In short - eyes above hair: distractingly out of place. Eyes below hair: Asteria becomes functionally expressionless. Toss a coin! (To your Witcher)

Yeah I feel that, to fix it so its perfect you would have to completely fix her hair.

Im in act 2 (Still havent done the investigate fey, org and eldritch leads) and Im just wondering if there is anyway to interact with the kid? Got the daycare upgrade already btw. Also are you planning on creating a discord or anything community related?

You should be able to go to the daycare after a few days.  Unless you sent your kid to the nexus then you need to retrieve them from there.

Hey I cant get out of Morgan's room what do I do I am in day 60 help😭

Sounds like you downloaded an out-of-date version of the game somehow. That was a bug present in the original 0.13.3 release, but was patched a day after release and the fix was included in the Itch upload. Please re-download from Patreon, Subscribestar or Itch and that should fix the problem.

There is a discord already.
There's a link to it on the top of the page.
Maybe a clickable image could help but perhaps that conflicts with Arc's design of the page.


Just tar playing but have a question, why do you call the game an Alpha? i understan that alphas are normaly only for internal company use and not for the public , and are normaly use for mechanical testing and are call normalie 0.0.X , your actual build is more like a Beta (Conciderign that is public ) (And yes some companis put "Alpha" in the games , but thats a publicity stun )

It may be different in your country, but in the west "Alpha" is used to describe software that is not feature-complete and is usually unstable and a long way from completion. It is often released to testers/early access adopters in order to gain feedback for the ongoing development of the game. Alpha software can change drastically between alpha and gold releases.

Beta software, on the other hand, is usually used to describe software that it feature-complete and almost ready for release. Beta software's functions/mechanics/etc. are all locked in and the only things that will change between beta and gold release are balancing changes and bug fixes.

Companies putting "beta" on their games is actually the publicity stunt in most cases these days. They'll either release an incomplete game for full price and then claim "oh, but it's beta" or else they'll release a "beta" two days before the gold release (in which case it's not a beta, it's a demo).

Hope that answers your question :)

Yeah, i learn my Alpha and bate name thing from my college where i study Videogame develompemnt, in Spain, so i think that could be or  they geve me bad info (somthing that i discover and left that college long ago) (SORRY BAD ENGLISH)

Where do I train the martial stat lol?

You start at gramps dojo in act 2, and continue in the same area.

How many days should I teach class in college to increase authorities?

I don't think the authority system works just yet. It's just set up for main content purposes.

Depends on how many upgrades you have, and to what level you're going.

For starters, the education levels go every 10 points:

VERY LOW(10 and under)
PRETTY LOW(from 10 to 19)
DECENT(from 20 to 29)
PRETTY GOOD(from 30 to 39)
GOOD(from 40 to 49)
GREAT(from 50 to 59)

And to get to the current max level you need to be atGOOD.

Each class you gain one point(provided you don't use powers on the girls) and if you do Monday to Friday during Morning and Afternoon you will get 10 points, but each Friday you lose 5.

You need upgrades.
Buying the textbooks upgrade for the college adds one more point per class.
Same as checking one of the books in the library.
And getting teaching advice from Madison.

Also you can reduce the weekly points drop by 1 when you buy the decorative crystal from the merchant in the field.
Same as getting teaching advice from Veronica.

Meaning 4 points per class (40 for the entire week) with a drop of 3 at the end of the week.

So from 0 to the current required for max authority would be 11 to 12 classes.

Hidden voices? Do they like occur randomly or you have to trigger something? This is my first time updating the game so hope my saves actually save lol... Also, I is there some way I can help in the game like look for typos and stuff? I don't have a pc to actually do any difference but I want to help using my phone... If only I had money to donate :(

Hidden voices is a spell you learn.

1. Hidden Voices is a Power you learn from Lyx

2. Your saves will automatically transfer between versions (just make sure you don't delete the game if you're on Android!)

3. Sure, typo and bug reports are always useful! I'm most active on Discord, so posting in the CK server's #bug-reports channel is most effective

4. Don't worry about not having money to support the game - I'm just happy if people play it and enjoy it!

Hope that answered your questions :)

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