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Stupid game! Very very stupid simplistic lame game! What the fuck is this? When the player is outside with his motorcycle, the raindrops are really just in the vision of the player!! The raindrops are not really there in the map!! Same thing when you are inside the house!!!! The raindrops are basically flat in the windows!! Nice try developer but you aren't fooling me!!!
As for the whole game, no sense of creativity at all!! Basically just a few noises that serves as a warning for the main jumpscare and then you see this creepy looking entity and then it jumpscares you?!! That's it?!! Fucking trash!!
In conclusion, this game is trash!!! No sense of professionalism on the developer's part whatsoever!!
That's your response to a disappointed audience after your deep shit attempt at making a game?!! LOL! Whether or not I can make a game is not important because it won't change the fact that you as a game developer made a shit game! Making games is your job because you're the video game developer here! Not mine because I am not a video game developer and I will never aspire to be one ever!
Another lack of professionalism in your part is that you took my blunt constructive criticism as a trolling insult rather than use it to be a better game developer! Sorry man but those shit raindrops in this game of yours coupled with the whole game being a simplistic jumpscare basically meant that this game wasted my time! No sense of uniqueness or creativity at all! And the game being a short horror experience does not excuse it!
Trust me, you will find much more aggressive audiences than me when it comes to making games especially if it involves paid games. And if you're gonna keep on being a trashy game developer who never learns from his mistakes to better himself then I suggest that you just quit being a game developer because an overly prideful game developer who doesn't learn from his mistakes will just keep on flooding a video game website with trashy mediocre products.
Sorry if I was harsh but I needed to say that because the truth is that this game of yours is really really bad. You using obviously 2D raindrops in a 3D game is not even mediocre but below mediocre. It's like a high school student using cheap ways to finish a homework because he doesn't really have passion for what he is learning. As a result, the high school student only finishes the homework but actually only learns few to none about what he is learning then he forgets what he just learned because he doesn't give two shits about what he just learned and only wants a good grade. That's what I felt about this game of yours. You just made the whole game a mere jumpscare and left those shit 2D raindrops in the game because you were expecting most audiences to forgive those mistakes of yours and actually donate money to you. It felt like you just want the money.
You can't do that in the realm of making video games!!! This is because in the realm of video game development, you're not submitting homeworks to some mature class teacher who will forgive your lack of professionalism. In the realm of video game development, you're having people from all backgrounds check your game and that includes kids! You expect kids to forgive below mediocre shit game and actually donate money to you? Actually, kids aren't the only ones that will ignore below mediocre games because peoples such as teenagers will also ignore shit games. Video game audiences are diverse peoples who want to be entertained and pampered. They are not paid disciplined mature high school teachers who will professionally check homeworks and grade them properly. Your money will come from diverse peoples who want to be entertained and pampered and that includes kids so give them what they want. There is nothing you can do if people including kids and teenagers don't want your game.
And using a shit game as a way to get money for another game could potentially affect that another game of yours. In a way, a shit short game used to collect money for another game will be seen by audience as a sign that the next game you are collecting money for will also be shit.
Again, sorry if I was harsh but I cannot tolerate to be soft towards this game of yours because the obviously extremely bad below mediocre lack of professionalism of this game of yours is just really really bad especially those fake 2D raindrops that are not really in the map. I needed to say that because I surely would not want great video game websites to be flooded with petty games that were like created by 9 year old kids.
The truth is that making video games is a really hard job and you have to accept that. You have to challenge yourself and push your limits. That's what it means to be a professional game developer. Making video games should not be treated like some part-time job of a restaurant server that many people only take to get money. Video game development shouldn't be treated only as a way to get money. It shouldn't be treated as a means to an end. It should be the end itself. It's because video game development is about creativity and fun. In a way, I found this shit game of yours as self-defeating because you created a shit game for what? To get money in order to make another shit game? Then repeat? That's what you're gonna do for the rest of your career as a video game developer? Really?!
And you also said that you made this game in 2 days. Really? 2 fucking days? Why the fuck would you do that when it comes to making 3D horror games?! Meanwhile, many 3D horror video game sequels take 5 years to make.
And again, I don't mean to offend you but don't respond aggressively to your audience if they bluntly and accurately pointed out the mistakes within your games because responding aggressively towards the audience will just reveal an unprofessional immature character within your personality and that could potentially affect chances of people getting your games. Just don't respond to them and fix your mistakes.
So yeah, don't make the same mistakes again that you made in this game. Maybe you can update this game to actually be decent and reupload it again. Good luck making games. Good luck on your life as a video game developer. Bye.
it's a game not the end of the world. relax. you responded aggressively first, why are you mad that they gave the same energy back? you disrespected them, and you expect them to reply back nicely? lol, your entitlement is amazing.
your so-called criticism wasn't even criticism, you just head-on started insulting their work under the guise of criticism. there's a difference between giving feedback and being an asshole, you're clearly the latter who believes you're some sort of connoisseur for games. there were so many other ways to give out your feedback instead of acting like a qualified philosopher for games. get over yourself.
people like you should genuinely not have unauthorized access to the internet since you're so sensitive and triggered over a game. i actually wonder how you survive in society, to be this angry over some pixels. you're acting like this at your grown age, do you not feel embarrassed ?