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I really think you should try to implement something with bots. There are really nobody online and i really thought this was going to be a good game which it is, it runs fine and i like the cod style gameplay i just wish that the game had more ppl ill be sure to get more ppl on board but like i said you could just get cod or halo
It's very hard to make "smart" bots. Can you list me few indie shooter games where it's interesting to play against bots? I personally never played any.
If you want to see more players in game, you can record some gameplay videos and upload on youtube. Or tell your friends about game and play with them. If at least 5% of player base would record some gameplay videos, online would be above 100. If you will search on youtube "skillwarz" you will see that in last 30 days only 1 gameplay video is uploaded. I have never seen so low number and it translates to number of players in game.
Online will be higher when game will move to Steam (planned Q2 2022).
thanks sir as I see this website is your games' official forum, I'm high school student and I want to make fps game like "Kuboom", I have some experience and great idea but my information is not enough for this, if theres anything that I can help you, I will. Also I want develop your game community with an great forum system if you want.
Best game on itch. Gunplay and movement rivals some of the biggest names in FPS gaming. Determined developer that has spent multiple years cultivating and crafting a healthy game and community. Regular updates and a consistent playerbase. Simple and easy to use map editor that enables you to create whatever you desire. Couldn't ask for more especially from a single developer. Free on top of it all.
Well worth the hundreds of hours I've played for.
Maybe provide some info about your laptop specs and on what quality setting you tried to play?
"not good for laptop players"? It makes no sense. Exist cheap/old laptops and high-end laptops which can play latest AAA games on highest settings.
We have many laptop players and game runs well on old/low-end systems. You just have to adjust quality in settings.
We all experience it.
All we can do for now to wait patiently for the dev to get online.
Sí, pero tendrá que vincular todas las teclas manualmente, o puede intentar usar un software como JoyToKey para emular la entrada del teclado y el mouse al controlador.
The date is not exact but it is coming out very soon.
If you want, you can ask on https://discord.gg/HxMZHmm
nothing to "chill" about, simply join discord if you want to talk to players https://discord.gg/HxMZHmm
Nobody can help you if you don't explain how the game crashes, or, in other words- "don't work" if you don't mention your system specs and specify your problem (Here, on discord or in forum).
"Create topic in forum and provide information about your system (CPU, GPU, RAM and OS). If possible, try to record video and show us when exactly game crashes. "
^^^Stated in Description^^^
I hear that, takes a lot of devotion to work a single game this long. Kudos man, it’s looking good. Yes sir, I mainly do vr programming nowadays actually. Since the release of oculus quest 2, the standalone vr headset, vr has boomed alot and has become a really good market for games, apps, etc… I’m glad to see your doing good old friend
Everyone plays in EU (Amsterdam) region. The number of players depends on time of the day. Usually there are more players playing during day, and less during night. At the time of writing this, there are 18 players online with 2 rooms opened. If you see that there are players online, but there are no rooms, create one and then others will join.
There is only few players on 32 bit systems, therefore its not worth making a 32 bit build anymore.
Like impossybull said:
Literally 99% of people play on the other 3 versions of SW. Almost all 32-bit systems are 15+ years old and can barely run SW at this point. Because of the old and poor hardware, many 32-bit users experience weird bugs in the Unity engine. Additionally, some 64-bit users will download the 32-bit version by accident and complain about bugs. You can build or buy a 5-10 years old 64-bit Windows or Linux system for even $100 that will run SW well for many more years. For these reasons the 32-bit Windows version of SW is discontinued.
If you have discord, you're welcome to join ours and express your ideas :)
Literally 99% of people play on the other 3 versions of SW. Almost all 32-bit systems are 15+ years old and can barely run SW at this point. Because of the old and poor hardware, many 32-bit users experience weird bugs in the Unity engine. Additionally, some 64-bit users will download the 32-bit version by accident and complain about bugs. You can build or buy a 5-10 years old 64-bit Windows or Linux system for even $100 that will run SW well for many more years. For these reasons the 32-bit Windows version of SW is discontinued.