Hello! I also want to show my appreciation for all of your work. Thank you so much for helping us newbs trying to struggle through the technical aspects of game making. On that note, I'm trying to do what you suggested and just copy and paste the skills and common events from your download into my project but they aren't working once there. I have the necessary visustella plug ins, and am using RMMZ, but when i use the skills they are just doing a standard attack with no extra movement whatsoever. I know i must have messed it up somehow, but I've deleted and repasted them in my project a few times with no luck. Can you please help?
I tested it out in a new project and it worked. Is your Battle Core plugin at the latest version? Best I can think of is that version 1.45 of Battle Core is when common event keys were created, so anything older than that would not work.
Let me know if this was the issue, and regardless, I'll make a note in my instructions what version is necessary!
Yes indeed! It's working now! I figured it was something simple since from what I can tell no one else was having that issue. Thank you again! Absolutely loving these attacks. My goal is to combine it with HeroicJay's Dualtech system so I can have two or three characters attack at the same time for team combos. Just getting this to work is a huge step and now I can experiment, endlessly. Lol. Thank you again for all your hard work!