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mutantleg check this out remember when you told me in one of your emails about those data.dat files being zip files with everything inside them? I took the chance and updated the cheats.txt file now it includes all test maps (found nothing new in LAB as you told me) as for Zortch there is alot to uncover even the unused weapons have a pickup that can't actually be picked up neat
Hey mutantleg, me and Birds have finished the Mod Menu. Hopefully you can put it here soon too!
Preview video:
Download link (your anti-virus will most likely detect it as a virus, ignore the false flag.): https://mega.nz/file/8mhi0aYa#dZDZ2Q4NfP3ye3xxF9mH88YRfLEBK6jxwEQ7GzS5_m4
Hi mutantleg,
Yeah you are right, sorry it was a small faulty coding lol. Try this:
Should hopefully work now.
Hi mutantleg,
Good to hear that the menu works now.
Some changes have been done to the mod menu today. Here is the new version:
Also a small correction: The mod menu is not a trainer. You might also want to recommend people to get the mod menu instead of the Cheat Engine trainer.
looks impressive (might as well write your own games at this stage 🙂
btw how do you guys feel about javascript?
recently I discovered I had a github account I forgot about and decided to dump some old (and on hold) projects on there, some of them might interest you: https://github.com/mutantleg?tab=repositories
we did it and added spawn objects for this game (the first one of your games that adds spawn objects it's done by seifmagdi) enjoy causing havoc around this game :D
nekkrobox trainer:https://www.mediafire.com/file/1pzdn2jrs06mhvn/NekkroBox_Trainer.CT/file
BUG FOUND!!! if you go to the options menu and go to keys after you reboot after changing all of your keys to something else they will reset to their defaults yet you can still use what you have changed last time
the screenshot will help basically last time i changed my keys I changed "Reload" to "R" and it has been reset to Q on the menu BUT I can still use "R" and "Q" isn't useable same goes for crouch it's not F and C it's CTRL and C
it's pretty simple: use F3 to load a map, WASD RF and mouse to navigate around and use the console command PLAY to test it out ingame (also there should be a readme with more keys)
ingame it's the same console command as Lab (MAP mapname) but I just noticed it's seems to be broken using this way.. I'll get back to you on that 🤔
Edit: works fine, I forgot that you need to start a new game for it to work
finally did it i am gonna do this quick i dont have time to write in comments
nekkrobox trainer:https://www.mediafire.com/file/raixc803hqmytvk/NekkroBox_Trainer.CT/file
kinda late but i want this to be fixed my laptop can't run this game i tried to do it before but it just doesn't here are the specs if it will help it basically freezes once I start a new game if i pause it then i could regain control of the menu and maybe quit if you could do some sort of special fix for me i would be grateful please mutantleg i used to play this on my windows 7 PC
this is so strange that people still want to play this - I mean this was just a jam throwaway game 🤔
I'm kind of embarrassed by it now 😔
anyway I could only guess what went wrong: I added a new version (v103) - so far I tested on my trusted potato win10 laptop and seems to work fine .. of course it only has win10 home so who knows 🤔
let me know if it still gives you trouble
Played the first 10 mins or so, really fun but there was no gun sounds and it was very distracting. I could hear the reload sound, but firing the gun would make no noise. The monsters were also surprisingly quiet, they would make occasional gross noises but they felt kinda quiet (though that might just be caused by the lack of gun noises), making every gun fight feel kinda awkward and broken. Anyone else have the same issue?
has pensado hacer una segunda parte de nekkrobox el juego es interesante tiene un buena jugabilidad y tendría mas jefes, mas enemigos pero se dejarían los mismos, con nuevos enemigos me refiero no se como un clon del protagonista un monstruo volador con alas que disparare las bolas rojas, una versión de los ojos morados pero que dispare laser de color rosa no se.
si lo piensas por favor me escribes :)
well I'm working on a game with the same engine which puts Nekkrobox to shame when it comes to features and gun and monster count .. not exactly a sequel but a game in the same spirit (still horror just a sci-fi setting this time)
but it will be a long time until it gets released
here are a few teaser screenshots:
Thank you, i've been looking into it and so far it's caused by a sort of restriction of where programs can save files, hopefully that's all to it (still it might take a while to get it work)
(the remake (https://mutantleg.itch.io/lab-v30) or the original?)
I have trouble reproducing it for some reason (tried standard user in Win10 and worked, tried on another pc with Win7 both standard and guest user and neither had trouble starting)
so I need a bit more info about your setup: just simple things like what version of windows you are using, if there any antivirus installed that might be the cause, is the itchi.io app is installed and has the same problems etc.
I dug out my old win8.1 tablet(maybe it wasn't wasted money after all :)
and managed to reproduce the problem with the guest user
The app seems to be the workaround: I had no trouble installing the app and starting it with that one; did it work on your end?
(also I hid the old versions because the app was preferring them for some reason)
this was a very fun game however i had to take my headphones off lol. i like the feel of the gameplay, it reminds me a lot of quake. the open world level design is also very cool. but there is one problem that is hard to put to words, polish. i cant really describe it but a lot of things just feel thrown together. for example the face being poorly cropped, or there not being a melee. however, once you polish the game up it will be fantastic
This was actually interesting. A quick little shoot-em up game. Some of the sound volumes were off like the sound of the pistol and enemies were extremely silent. However, after reading the comments it looks like that was intentional. I like the little humor aspect of it. If the developer(s) polish this up more and add more levels, it's a game I'd visit again.
Attached is my game play video. It's the first game in the video.