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Chasing Shadows

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Didn't know this existed until today.  Decided to try it.  It was interesting and definitely has potential.  However, ran into a couple of issues.  1.  Left the starting cave, saw a mushroom patch with another cave below it.  Couldn't get down to it because of a mushroom blocking the way, continued around the rock and ended up *in* the cave anyway.  Exited and found myself trapped because of that same mushroom blocking the path.  2. Wandered along after leaving the cave (a different playthrough) and there's a crashed aerial vehicle in the mountain with a cyan arrow pointing to it but there's no trigger when you arrive.  3.  After leaving the first city following Halter, several times in conversation when referencing my species, all that appeared there was guyPlayer speciesman? or something like that.  4.  When you enter a trigger zone and the swirl screen finishes, you are left with a background image and nothing else.  You have to click somewhere for it to actually trigger.  Not sure if that's an actual error or if it's supposed to work that way.  If so, you may want to put a message like 'click to continue' or something.  (Seeing references to Pokemon, Digimon, Xenos, Krogan, Turian, etc. as races was odd, but okay. lol)

Well after making bad (Great) descisions and spending an all-nighter playing Chasing Tail, I am now excited to play this one as well! I loved the first one and I will certainly enjoy more stories from the same series

Heya Scylez! Hope you're doing alright. Just wanted to let you know I am still excited for new updates if you are still working on this game and future ones! Hope others feel the same, your games are really good (matter of fact, Chasing Tail was my first VN, let alone anthro-furry game!), and can't wait to see more. Cheers, mate!

Thank you! :3 I really appreciate it. And yep I'm still hard at work on getting more updates out, for this game specifically too. I was hoping to have a new public release done by the end of June but it's just sadly not ready yet. maybe next month. I've been doing a lot of changes in the code and also some re-writes of earlier parts of the game to make things a bit better, but that also means I needed more art XD so there's so many things needed to make such a small change. I want Chasing Shadows to be really great but guess a long dev time is the price I pay x3 Hopefully it'll all be worth it ^^ and thanks again for the nice comment :3

All good mate! I can definitely wait a while for a great game, it's worth it! I feel slightly inspired by you to learn graphic design, your style is absolutely pleasing to the eye. Can't wait to see where this next story goes!

I decided to give this a peek before bed - playing another VN.  And lo and, here's a new update!  It's way too late to even give it a peek, but I can hardly wait to get too tired to work on my novel tomorrow, so I need a diversion before bed.

I even contributed a couple dollars!  ;D

Alright im excited for this update i enjoyed the first time i played so i cant wait to see whats new

I'll make a devlog soon ^^ this update won't go too much further than the last one since the character art isn't quite done, but the entirety of the game got a writing revision, there are a few new scenes, some new lewd art, new backgrounds, and a couple new branching paths added ^^ once more character art gets finished I'll update again and make it go even further. 

I played chasing tails and I plan on playing this too, but I am curious if this version is complete enough for a full playthrough? Chasing tails was surprisingly better than expected of course there were a few things here and there that have room for improvement like the side missions changing the story. idk if they did at all because I did only 5-6 but I felt like they would have a noticeable change in the story. usually, I wouldn't criticize in a review, but I did notice in part of chasing tail that a certain coding raptor said he doesn't want only positive feedback (something along those lines). I guess I could also say that your game stuck out because most games force a singular protagonist gender.

This version sadly is not complete enough for a full playthrough. You might want to come back to it after I add more content. It's slowly getting filled out but there's still a lot of writing to be done and a lot of character art still needed. I'd call this a teaser at best right now.

And I completely agree and understand the criticism of Chasing Tail x3 The biggest problem with a lot of the side missions I think is they were created and written after the main game was finished, and at that point I was kinda locked into that story, but they still could have been implemented or acknowledged in a few ways in the main story at least. Some day way down the line, I might go back and polish a few things up with the dialogue to straighten it out a little bit. But yes I always welcome constructive feedback ^^ 

But at least this game will still follow the same general format of allowing you to pick a gender, species, and name, and then have content that adjusts to those ^^ 

"Chasing Tail" and "Chasing Shadows" are my favorite furry visual novels. The 3D graphics along with the normal art are well made. The "All Nature Mode" is a option that I am grateful for for obvious reasons. In "Chasing Shadows," Lenznth has got to be my favorite character. His himbo-like personality is just amazing. 

Anyways, I hope this game continues to gain new content and charaters. Have a wonderful rest of your day Scylez and to whomever else may read this!

wow thank you so much for the kind words :3 I'm always floored when anyone plays my games, but saying they're your favorite is something else. Hopefully the 3D parts will be even better in Chasing Shadows. I'm working hard to give it some more content and make some better reasons to explore. And of course the all natural mode will return lol, that's almost a requirement in a furry game. But thank you again for playing and trying my games. Making my dreams come true with comments like this <3 You're the best

Hey, you're the one making the game. I'm just the person who plays them and gives feedback. I should be thanking you for creating such a thing!

Cool additation making the shadow folk speak german backwards.

This is my new go to for creating unique sounding fantasy languages lol  in Chasing Tail, Smok was Polish backwards, so now in Chasing Shadows, Shaden is German backwards. Not many people notice that. Maybe you're German yourself?

Interesting, I had this feeling when reading Smok that it was inverted speech, despite being unable to read it (I do not understand Polish).

I just started playing the demo and wanted to give a wink wink nudge nudge haha I see what you did there elbow jab to ya for cleverly sneaking it in xD Didn't the xeno's speak german backwa..... ohwait they are kinda from Shadow Lands nvm. I was born in Germany and have ancestry blah blah blah ANYWAYS!!

So far really enjoying this!! can't wait for more for sure!! only request is mayyyybe more save slots?? Easier to get all the endings or save for favorite scenes and shtuff (I might have mentioned it before somewhere but like ppllleeeaaaaaaassseeee don't make me pull out the puppyderg dragonwolf eyeballs of doomable cuteness!! The world won't handle xD Rambly wuff gonna ramble I really enjoyed Chasing Tail and now getting to Chase Shadows sounds fun too!! 

Keep up the amazing work tho for sure!! Always looking forward to new stuff here but also don't overwork yourself either!! ^w^

Darn you Scyles.  Now I want this game done yesterday!  Hopefully in a few months I can even support you.  ;P

XD believe me I want it done yesterday too! But I'll get it done as quick as I can but also as best as I can.
And just playing the game is support enough :3

One thing I was going to edit in above is, I really really REALLY hope you don't write it so that it's a matter of

  • These guys all die
  • Or those guys all die
  • Maybe all these ones too!
  • Time... to choose
  • It's time to choose

I'd really prefer something like

  • Fight the big boss, kill them / spare them, take over
  • Do the sneaky thing that kills the entire side
  • Don't fight, negotiate a settlement
  • Everyone gets pizza!

LOL!  I'm such a sentimental sap...  ;D

By the way... do you really eat the most horrendous food combos in scaly history??  XD

I know just what you mean. Whenever I play choice based games it always is a little frustrating if there isn't some possible way to achieve an 'ultimate good' ending if you make all the right choices. I want to try to make some more meaningful branches in the game and a few different endings with a nice variety of possibilities. The writing isn't finished yet so I can't confirm if I'll achieve it or not, but I'll certainly try ^^

And I've been known to take inspiration from my irl food and stick them in the game >.> Scylez in the game is very much my own (slightly exaggerated) personality. But pizza, ranch, and applesauce is good, I promise! XD Just give it a shot once and see

Wow am I out of the loop, I'm just finding out you posted the sequel over 100 days ago. This looks so good so far, my only gripe is that there's no sprite in the 3d part to push around.

You mean like a character creator? Or just a singular set sprite?

no, in the first game's 3d parts there were sprites that you could push around.

Thanks! Glad you found it :D and don't worry! There'll be sprites to push before it's done x3

I see that you have to choose your partner from chasing tail, is that going to be a big impact on the storyline? (And if it is, i feel bad for you having to make 10 different storylines) ._.

It will have some impact on the story. Probably not a big one since I wouldn't want to give myselftoomuch work X3 but I want them to be mentioned and missed and make that story part of the lore of this story and maybe an ending that will involve them. Can't say too much but I feel like there's a lot of ethical possibilities too that could be brought up. But nothing is set in stone. Could always do more or less x3 hopefully more.

And another masterpiece has been added to itch io

I hope so x3

Hey Scylez i downloaded chasing shadows for andriod but when i go to install it it says it cant be read by my file installer do you have any other way it can be downloaded for andriod thanks and i love your games

Oh thanks for letting me know about this. I'll try it myself and investigate what could be wrong and get back to you! 
And thank you for the kind words! <3 Glad you're enjoying them :3 

I tried to recreate the issue but wasn't able to do so :\ I'm not sure what could be causing the problem then. Do you know what version of android you're running?

Im running andriod 10 version. Usuallly it allowed me to download chasing tail and play it but now it won't install the file.

This game will be available on Steam too?

Eventually I'll be putting it on steam as well. I'll probably wait until it's much further along before posting it there though. 

Nice, thanks for the reply :)

Im stoked for this

For a moment though "Shadow Tails".

will this be available on android by the time it is finished??? if so i can enjoy this sequel as much as i did the first game.

Yes! When finished I plan on releasing this one on all platforms the original is on (PC, Android, Web, Linux, Steam)  :)

Chasing tail was a great fucking experience I'm on the hype train. I cant wait to see the final product when it comes.

That really means a lot for me to hear <3 thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

I really enjoyed Chasing Tail, and I'm really hyped for the second game, but I have one question. Is this from the perspective of the main character from the first game? it seems like it is but I want to be sure

Yes! I can confirm that this story will be told from the perspective as the main character from the first game. Glad you're excited for the second one! I'm super stoked for it too! 

Is this gonna be the version 2 of ct?

It's going to be the sequel! ^^

I. Am. Hyped.
The first game was, as I already stated several times in the comments of it, hands down the best game I have experienced on this site. I am really excited what this has in store ^^

Horray! I'm very glad you had a great experience with the first game and even more glad that you'll be keeping an eye on the development of the second one! This is really what pushes me to keep making more games and I love it! Thank you so much for the kind words! :3


I have theory on the this demo .

Is it a bad ending to the first game . just a guess for now.

I can neither confirm nor deny x3
Interesting theory though!

That make me so excited!

It was a good start since you said you can't confirm nor deny it.

So the open world is unskippable? Seems like a great place to hide lore and/or secrets...?

That's the plan! I'm going all in with the exploration and I really want to make more secrets, characters, and even collectables that can impact small story segments in it. Hopefully I'll have a new update for this a little later this month and showcase the first actual scene of the game :D

can i suggest a  new character for the main protagonist to interact with. like maby a xenomorph from avp also if the character is a xenomorph then the character would act differently to the player with different dialogue depending on the players choosing of gender

When the full version comes out, I'll be like, one of 17 people looking for secrets and lore, since most players usually just get on with the story :/

Good demo! The open exploration was cool, a bit laggy though, is there any way to skip this in future development?

Considering that this was released in within a few days before this post, i still can't give a full review, when this game is finished/beta, i'll have more things to work with, and more things to tell, thanks for the amazing demo of your game!

Thanks for trying it out! 
I'll look into the lag and see how I can alleviate that.  If it happens for you it most likely happens for many others. The plans aren't 100% solid yet, but I'm thinking in this game the open world won't be skipable since I'd like to give it a bigger and more fleshed out role. Maybe it will be in some regards it will be, but that's all tbd. But don't worry about giving a review yet since the entire story has to be added still XD either way thank you for trying it out and giving me your thoughts!

I might suggest a short popup screen once you get to the open exploration bit that tells players the controls. I have been wandering around mashing buttons at npcs just to see if they can do anything. So far ive only found the end of demo area, and have not been able to interact with anything/anyone otherwise. 

Also you can fall off the world near the large tree on the island on the left side of the map. The one with all the busted bridges leading to it. Just walk down to the right of the bushes on the far left.

Really enjoyed the first game and looking forward to see where this one goes!

Ahh I never really thought about that for some reason lol but I should say the controls somewhere so other players don't fall into the same trap you did and try to interact with something they can't. The only real controls are moving up down left right during that section.

I'll fix the edge of the world where you can fall! Lot's of other things to fix regarding this demo but development is just ramping up! :3

I like this Demo It was very interesting.Can't want until the full game come out.

Glad you think so! I'll be working hard on it to make the game great! 

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