


Up the Light

Up the Light

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Loved the atmosphere of this game! The lighthouse feels peaceful, yet sort of eerie and the palette works so well!

this game was adorable, a lot of the dialogue felt like poetry. I love how atmospheric the music is.

 Thank you for creating this! 

I really like how you managed to create a comforting and warm mood despite the game being rather short. Also the way you used the only three colors to enhance the important objects is really pleasing!
looking forward to more projects of you :D

Have played a few games like Up the Light and I always enjoy them, whether it's something with gameplay or simply living a short story. There's something about the minimalist visuals that gives it a certain charm, while letting your imagination fill the voids. Overall, I had fun with this.

Good job, devs. Also, I just realized I said "Bitly" in my vid instead of "Bitsy." Oops...

This game is adorable! From the very beginning, throughout every single floor of the lighthouse, I felt enveloped in a new yet familiar sense of nostalgia. The dialogues were beautiful and the whole message of the game is magnificent and so so comforting.

It's an excellent game, I'll be happy to see what you come up with next!

This was wonderful, the music is very captivating. 

Man I love the game. You have put so much love in this game and it really shows. I played this game on my youtube channel 

looking forward for your next project 

omg thank you so much that's so cool! I'm glad you enjoyed! PS, my next game is going to be much longer ;)

This was such a comforting game, as another user commented, this game gives a sense of nostalgia and some of the dialogues hits you in the feels. I'm grateful that I was able to find this game :')

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted3 years ago

this was incredible.. I really felt like I was the little character making my way up the lighthouse. love the vibes this gave off!

thank you for the kind words <33

loved this game! v comforting! <33 cant wait to see whatever you make next!

ahhh thank you so much:) i have some ideas for my next game already hehe·View all by exhausted boi studios·Report·Embed

