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Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2 »Entries »Farmer Karma

That's a really good game. I loved the art style. The only thing I can tell you is you could make controls and gameplay more dynamic. I mean ducks could run more and locust could stay together a little closer. So we could run more with more predictable moves. But I really liked the game.

Thanks for playing, I'm so glad to hear you loved the art style. I agree completely that the chickens don't have a great AI, I noticed last second also that they can clip through vertical fences which is annoying, but I literally added their ai in the last hour! So that's definitely something that has a long way to be improved!

Could you elaborate more on how you would suggest changing the controls to be more dynamic? Are you thinking it would be better if you could change the radius of the swarm? Currently it's automatic, the more locusts there are, the bigger the area they flock too. 

Also is there anything else? Thanks again!

I see. I know it's hard to balance. But (this is my personal idea) if you could narrow the radius it would felt a little more you control them. But this could make this game another game. If could make this game more diversive this style is also fun. But right now it feels out of control (maybe you try to do that). Don't get me wrong this is amazing work. I just feel like you could make this better but I don't know how :) 

Narrowing the radius sounds like a great idea, is the issue that it’s too hard to pin point a specific food and they keep missing it? Because I found that during testing but was hoping it would be just me.

I agree it is a little bit out of control, and unfortunately that was not the intention. I’ll definitely need to work on making it easier to play!

Thanks for this feedback, it has been very helpful. Would you be interested in testing future versions / projects?

Yes, of course I can test . Just add me on discord  jigsaw#8511 on on Facebook
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