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A super funny, short little game.
The hero was too easily persuaded by the demon lord, which led to most of the endings leading to be-1, which made me laugh orz
Hero, how can you bear to kill him! He is SO CUTE!!!!!‹‹。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。››
And I have to say, the voice of the demon lord is so cute and titillating. Everything is perfect.
Awwww-- The game has a happy ending!❤️
(By which I mean, you can join him. ^_^)
The game is far too short, but I love it.
It's the opposite premise of Seeds of Chaos (one of my favorite games) but in a similar category.
I would have loved to see a better developed version of this game.
(Like, maybe you were trained to be a hero from childhood and never thought about what you wanted, had to set out on a quest to fight the demon lord, and then ended up falling in love with him and had to choose if you wanted to be a hero and sacrifice your own feelings to save the world or choose to be selfish and join the demon lord instead. Or something.)
Either way, I like this game. ^_^
I kinda have mixed feelings about the hero killing Demon King's people and than confessing to him, like I would be sceptical too... But also loved the little remark at the ending with the kiss about the possibility that Demon king might be a great leader.
That aside, pixel art is FANTASTIC and the voice actor is BRILLIANT. Russian localisation is pretty accurate too, except for the part "If you stopped laughing, finish the job" because in the russion it is something like "It's a perfect time to finish the job" (I'M NOT TRYING TO UPSET ANYBODY, GAME DEVELOPERS AND VIKTOR LICHT ARE AMAZING!!!!)