This game could be incredible. Hell if I know. All art is beautiful in the eye of the beholder. One man's trash? well, you know the rest. Bless Up Cuh <3
Loved it! You can see the amount of detail put into this game from the menu page alone. The only bad thing I have to say about this game is that it isn't long enough! I did kind of guess where the story was going, but that didnt take anything away from the whole experience. ☆☆☆☆
I really enjoyed this and I thought the story - despite using some tropes - was told in a way that made it fresh and quite moving. I also loved loved loved the attention to detail in the visuals. Are the paintings based on real paintings? Would love to know the origins because all of them are gorgeous. All in all: great work, can't wait what's next!
I don't know why I haven't played this before it's so emotional, I love it, the attention to detail and the touching story feels really cool, you did an amazing job, I hope there's more coming from you!
Thank you Comp-3 Interactive. I had a film professor in college who often said, "Movies take you on a fun ride. Films take you on an emotional journey." I suspect that if he had lived a different life where he became a gamer, this would have brought tears to his eyes and contemplation to his heart. I hope you'll look past the jovial remarks I made at the beginning of my video. I would have edited them out, but as a gamer who had no idea what he was getting into, I thought it wise and honest to show you the emotional journey you took me on, which left me with more than a few thoughts to sit on regarding how many tragedies could be avoided if we invited each other to sit down and talk. Or, failing to talk, to listen. To listen to the pain, sorrow, and poetry of the human heart, which is far richer and deeper than any language of the tongue could ever communicate. Thank you again.
Played this game last out of the three i played. This game gave me some decent chills. Im still a bit confused about the ending but it has pretty solid story telling and pacing in this art style which im a big fan of i loved it!
I REALLY tried to make some jokes but dang.. Lovely little game. Recommend to anyone who wants to try out haunted ps1 horror games. This is the BEST one to try!
I went into this game ready for jumpscares and goofing around, but found out that there was actual heart within the story! Pretty good experience! Here's my playthrough
This was truly incredible. It was not what I expected at all. I don't know how you were able to create such a good, in depth backstory in such a short time and make me get attached to the characters, but it worked amazingly and I loved it. I can't wait to see what else you can make.
This was fantastic. I loved the pixel graphics, voice acting, story, mechanics, and sounds/music. Too bad the ending was so sad. Since this was part of a three random horror games video, my playthrough of this game starts at about 29:37. Great job!
This game was so much fun! I love the twists and turns and the story! It really hit me in the feels! I did wander around a bit at times though cause I didn't know what to do, but I felt like that added to exploring more of the house! Good job!
Hey Comp-3 Interactive, thanks for making another game! Actually very different from the "13th Floor" this was indeed a sad twist at the end, left me a bitter taste in my mouth, but the game itself was really good; the details, the interactions and game mechanics were nicely thought, the VA & dialogs was adorable! And also, the story shook me, made me a bit mad tbh. Keep up the great work!