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Hey there, thanks a lot for making this game! I played the version at http://www.toomanychefs.party/ and absolutely loved it.
But I couldn't complete recipe 5/6 (pan-asian lunch) because the game never recognized any special characters I typed (e.g. there's a "single tear" you have to type, a ":'(" smilie or something; I couldn't get the ":", let alone the rest; and another line says "yum?", and I couldn't type the question mark). I use a normal German keyboard layout, so I suppose the problem somehow resulted from that; but in-game, I don't really have a way to check which character I have to type to get it recognized as e.g. a "?".
Thanks for the kind words! Sorry about the issues with German keyboard layout-- since release, I've discovered a lot of interesting localization problems I'd never even considered before.
Unfortunately, I don't have a German keyboard, so it's difficult to debug. Can you help me out by sending me the number codes for each of the special keys? http://keycode.info/ You can post here or email them to chef@toomanychefs.party. Thanks a lot!
PS: As a temporary solution, you can try to pressShift+; for ":" andShift+/ for "?" (these are the key combinations for a standard QWERTY keyboard).
Hey there, thanks for the quick reply!
I tried the keycode site, but it doesn't seem to recognize special characters if they're part of a two-button combination (e.g. "A" = shift + 'a', ":" = shift + ".", etc). Pressing capslock doesn't help, either; I only get the keycode for e.g. "a" or ".", never for "A" or ":".) Maybe that's (part of) the problem, not (just) the language-specific keyboard layout? (Though see my remarks at the very bottom - maybe checking via keycode instead of sth else is the problem.)
Anyway, here are some key codes:
188 = comma
189 = dash
190 = period = '.'; holding shift plus period does nothing, it's still just period
When I press the button for "'" / "#", I get key code 191 (forward slash) instead.
The button for '*' / '+' / '~' yields key code 187 (equal sign) instead.
The button for "ä" yields key code 222 (single quote / "ä") instead.
The button für "ü" yields key code 186 (semi-colon) instead.
I couldn't find *any* button which yields "?", which leads me to believe this line of inquiry maybe isn't fruitful? Rather than try to map whatever I press to whatever key code javascript turns it into, maybe there's instead a way to have Javascript correctly recognize my inputs as coming from a German language schema / keyboard?
I quickly googled the topic, and I think that what you actually want might be the keypress method, instead of keycode? See the answers here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7831494/how-to-get-the-correct-language-and-... and here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11030532/keypress-and-keyup-why-is-the-keyco...
Thanks for the help and sorry for the delay! I've been busy with one of my newer projects and haven't had much time to debug.
I don't listen to keypress because this game is unique in that it needs to know ALL keys pressed at a time. Unfortunately, keypress only fires on the last key that was pressed; so if someone was holding A and then pressed B, only B would be registered.
I have a custom keyboard util that knows when shift is pressed, so I actually only need the keycode for the keys that turn into ? and : with shift pressed. The only issue is that these keys are different on different keyboards, so I'd have to whitelist all of them-- which may lead to weird combinations accidentally triggering a different key.
PS: If you're interested and technically inclined, you can find thesource code here. Happy to accept pull requests.
Hey there, thanks for the reply. I've only recently begun programming (in Python; no experience with Javascript), so looking for solutions on Stack Overflow was the best I could do.
If my suggestion re: keypress vs. keycode didn't work, all I can think of is a clumsy workaround: Allow players to map their controls, i.e. instead of asking players which button they want to press for up/down/left/right/jump/shoot, here ask them which button to press for question mark, period, dash, full stop, etc.
This was built from scratch in HTML and Javascript using theReact framework :)
It's open-sourced onGitHub and I'd be happy to accept new levels that other people want to create.