


Goal and Crossbones (LD41)

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kicking at the top left angle doesn't work :<

great game! 

Nice game but why is the screen black around the centered circle? Could you make an option to turn it off?

its ur head and cuz it is on the ground you can only see so far also the reason why your view is only around the circle

oh wait this comment is 4 years ago my bad

I liked how each level got more and more filled with different monsters, making it kind of 'unfair' in the later levels, but still fun. :D The whole soccers mechanic worked well and the time-stopping when one has the ball gave the player a little advantage. :) I just made it to the 10th or 11th goal though, afterwards I felt too overcrowded. :D All in all, a neat little Ludum Dare 41 entry that I happily recommended in one of ourcompilation articles about the jam. Of course, it's also featured in the related gameplay video. <3 Thanks for your work!

Best wishes,

This was a lot of fun. Great job.

Lost at 14 points. Is this infinity or do you have to reach certain level? 

At the moment it's infinity, what with time constraints for the jam. However, that's REALLY impressive that you made it that far!

only hoping for 1 thing in this game. MULTIPLAYER.....

hope you enjoy some footage

Hey, thanks for playing (and also recording)! I'm currently thinking about whether or not to flesh out the concept more, and if so, what exactly to add/tweak. Multiplayer is definitely something that I think could really make the game, so thanks for the suggestion!

The game is really cool! Are the levels randomly generated?

i really like the game, but the fact that you can't hit balls diagonally up and to the left is frustrating. i think it might be a bug?

Apparently that's something that has to do with keyboards. You can't use up+left+space. However, it does work with WASD.·View all by Retrosaur·Report·Embed

