Thanks for this reply -- speaking strictly for myself, it's already a huge load off my shoulders to be able to take this step back, and I know it'll only mean great things for the project's health and quality levels overall.
I'm also really glad to know the amount of work we do comes through, haha! It can feel a little difficult to not want to add more features and content, especially when something's been in production for as long asAWOO has and the areas we're working on tend to be slower ones, but we're making sure that the core content is as strong as it can be first. And it's great to hear that our love for the project comes through! We're all pretty passionate about it; DCS and Nat's ability to keep on trucking as best as they can is a huge part of what makes working on it as great as it is.
Basically, thanks so much for your understanding, haha! It's nice to know familiar faces that I've seen be excited about this project over its lifetime are willing to wait, so it means a lot to me that you commented. We'll keep doing our best over here with your support!