


The Whitetail Incident

The Whitetail Incident

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This game made me rage quit, that deer boss was difficult but it was overall fun to play!

Thanks for playing! yeah sorry about that, the boss has a bit too much health, I'm going to lower it in an update.

This was very retro style, and I am an absolute sucker for that style! Very well done and spooky for something so short. Very well done!

I really enjoyed watching the video, thanks for checking it out and sorry about your hand!

probably blueballs incident FNF REFERENCCE

Haha, ya gotta love ragdoll physics!

can you make this free download plz?

It is free, it's "name your own price" so just click "no thanks, just take me to the downloads" after you click on "Download Now" button and it won't cost anything.

Fun game! Satisfying to blast those cultists right in the dick! They all deserve to die! 

Haha, good to hear! thanks for checking it out.

This game was really great, I enjoyed the story and when Jonathan turned into this ''deer'' man it gave me the Wendigo vibes overall an absolute 10/10

Thanks for making the video, I enjoyed watching it! Yeah the game definitely has a wendigo vibe to it.

not gonna lie this game was fire

Thanks for checking it out! good advice at the end of the video haha!

Wow, now that is a hardcore gaming! there is actually just no other ways to trick the boss =)

Thanks for checking it out, it can be pretty difficult towards the end!

This is a pretty good quick game! 

Cool, I'm glad to hear it!

Supreme Game dev didn’t find any bugs or glitches fam 

Really enjoyed the video, thanks for playing!

Really enjoyed the deer aspect, 10/10 please launch kickstarter and make full game :)

Glad to hear it! I am planning on making a longer version at some point.

The game was fun and different. I really liked the graphics and I did a gameplay video on it, nice work. (frustrating)

Very nice game! ✌✌✌✌

The dog is the true hero

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted3 years ago

I absolutely loved it! It didn't drag on or anything, it was nice and short! Good job! Looking forward to more stuff from you!

Thanks for checking it out and for making the video! There'll be more games from me soon.

this game was Excellent! 

I'm glad to hear it, thanks for playing! I'm working on a new game now but I do want to expand this one into a longer game at some point in the future.

i cant wait to see whats in the works!!

Loved it, but was a little frustrating trying to pick up the shotgun shells and beans at the end tho :). Thanks

This game was a little frustrating, but it was fun 

Thanks, I don't know why the game was lagging for you, I haven't seen anyone else have performance issues with it.

Great video! thanks for checking it out!

And here’s my funny walkthrough with strong persian accent 😂

Nice game, but why the final boss doesn't get tired from running 😂

Thanks! I guess because he's a deer and deer are good at running?

I hope this is just a demo of some ending of a game this dev is trying to pitch. I love this graphic style, and I would absolutely be a backer if this dev wants to make a full game, complete with voice lines and a more open-world experience.

I am considering making it into a longer game. This was made in 2 weeks for a game jam which is why it is so short.

Not bad, not bad at all. It is super short though! I loved it!

Quite enjoyed this game! Looking forward to seeing what you create next!

Thanks for playing! there'll be more games coming soon!

Very well done!
Sad this was so short.

Thanks! I might make a longer version at some point.

I like literally any ps1 looking horror game, and I'm literally yet to play and I like it, good job bro.

Thanks, I hope you like it if you do play it!

Thanks so much for playing!

Short and sweet. I like it!

Thanks for playing! I don't know why the boss takes so many shots (apart from being some kind of demonic creature) but your comment section has some pretty funny theories haha.

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted61 days ago

Thanks, yeah a health bar is something that I should have put in for the boss, if I had more time for the game jam I would have.

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted61 days ago

Oh my lord i couldnt stay alive for the sake of me! I love the atmosphere and that boss was super challenging. Amazing experience.

Thanks for playing! I'm happy to hear it.

Baked beans save me.

the boss was a pain but this was fun lol 

I really liked this game, it's not the scariest game I've played but it's super fun with really good quality


Sweet, short, and to the point. While the game didn't have me shaking in my boots like a traditional horror game, I found the story and gameplay overall enjoyable.

The premise isn't anything new, the woods make for a prime location for spooky things to happen. Apparently this time it's naked cultists for the most impressive animorphs crossover I've ever seen. I honestly hadn't seen that coming, and I loved it. 

Gunplay was good, sometimes people like to try too much, but you kept it simple and it worked. Except when it didn't the handful of times I could've swore I hit the cultist but they didn't go down. Maybe that's poor aim on my part, maybe that's because you shouldn't go for headshots with a shotgun, who knows. 

Your introduction of a sweet and loving dog stressed me out. I was wholly prepared at the start of the game to write a lengthy negative review of your game if the dog had died. Why would I bring a dog out here into the woods at night when spooky shit is happening? What kind of monster am I? Thankfully all was well in the end, but you had me nervous there for a stint.

Finally, I appreciate that the boss didn't go down in a single shot like the cultists. This made for some tense moments where I was weaving through the trees trying to put distance between us. When I finally got that last shot in it felt good to have finally taken him down and had some relief that it was over for the time being. 

Overall I really enjoyed The Whitetail Incident, you made a fantastic short little game that I think is quite deserving of the popularity it is seeing. Well done! 

Thanks very much for all the feedback! it's all very helpful. Happy to hear that you enjoyed it.

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