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Are you still alive lol? if yes, i got some stuff i noticed from the game:
- maybe you tested this game with people that dont play too much rhythm games, because this game is kinda too easy. I play rhythm games for a long time, and there is nothing in this game that isnt boring easy for me. I cant play any slower than the 180 bpm you set as the highest speed lol. Add hard stuff pls
- the webgl demo is broken. I cant add a song from device to play it because "this feature only works in android and pc devices". Bruh im playing this webgl on my computer, i have a couple of songs installed, but i cant use them :(
- if you wanted to make the most strange judgement line among the rhythm games, congratulations. If you press some frames too late, you miss the note - so you need to press early, what is awful for offset and sightreading.
- speaking of early/late stuff, there is no accuracy system in this game. You either hit a note or you miss it. Rhythm game's "judgement lines" have this name because they judge how precisely you tap a note from the song, and tapping too early or too late, but still hitting it, makes you get a good score instead of a perfect. Im not being annoying, but some people like to all perfect songs, what just dont exist here (sometimes games get more annoying than that but perfect/good is enough for me)
- the UI in this game is too strange. Im sorry for the 100 people that helped you with the icons, but they dont mtch to rhythm games UI. Get some images of rhythm games out there - even the simplest ones focus on being clean and modern, instead of using literal emojis in them.
- sorry, i installed this game im my mobile because of the cube mode, but i didnt understood nothing from it... add your google drive account, here is the editor, a cat emoji, but where are the charts? you need at least one sample chart for proof your game is good if you want to atract charters.
- PLEASE add either a thing where multiple keys tap a color of a note or key binding feature. My number 2 is broken (i used virtual keyboard for type it, thats the level), and missing easy charts just because of a broken number is annoying. I either play on mobile or i dont play...
- what is the thing with hearts? due to missing, i got -3 hearts, and now i cant open a song i found because "i need at least 2 hearts to start the song". How i get hearts? ads! which are only avaliable for mobile version. And seriously, ads dont give that much money, but storming players with ads is almost the same as beg for losing players. There are better ways to get money dude.
Hey, I'm working on a beat mapper app for music-based games. It's called MBOY Editor (https://vfpe.itch.io/mboy-editor) Do you want to try it for your game? Vic