


Anxiety : Lost Night

Anxiety : Lost Night

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Great game! Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish it.. after editing I realized the error of my ways, so I look forward to going back and revisiting it soon. Regardless, it was masterfully done and the atmosphere was just sublime. Check it out!

This is a such a great game, the atmosphere is perfect.

ANYONE knows how to change resolution ?

Fun game. Looking forward to what's next.

thanks for the game, had a ton of fun! 

Played through the game twice, got the same ending. Really well done indie horror game. Especially for being made in a jam. 8/10 would try for alternate ending again.

I tried to lighten up game play a bit but you know what, the darkness adds to the fear that whatever is outside is going to get in if I'm not fast enough in fixing the vehicle. I got a spook on one scene that sent my heart racing which is rare, very nice game! Oh and the atmospheric sounds made it much worse (which by that I mean good).

This was a pretty fun little game.  I didn't get the what was going on until the last few minutes of the game.  Keep up the good work!

I played this game and definitely did not cheat.

A really good game with an interesting style.

We enjoyed it a lot.

Here is a short video we made while playing.

Keep up the good work !

Super cool game! GAve me some good ole fashioned sPOOKS

I really love the game :) i hope its a little bit longer since it really hit me at some point

anyhow i really like to try ur up coming games so just shoot me a dm

Imagine a heart attack + a ship in a bottle and you've got Anxiety: Lost Night.

Brilliant game, really blew me aware with how sophisticated the game feels and of course the scare the factor hits 100!

great job in this game!!!  I liked, fantastic!

please tell me you got more! i need to know all the lore of this xD
really liked it, even  found a way to NOT be eaten by a demon, haha

Really well made.  The art is fantastic and the atmosphere really keeps you on edge.

great stuff.

love the anticipated face of impending doom you put out haha i would too.   "I forgot how to hands!"  XD   I find this game interesting & have seen a few videos between now and couple years ago or so, & almost nobody pointed out the bloody screw driver or shirt which makes me wonder how the boy died lol that seems like an awful thing to keep in the car !!  BTW the medicine is Klonopin   lol i have extreme general & social anxiety. there is NO way i could handle this situation in real life much less be focused enough to follow directions & the last thing i would want to try is shutting off electrical yet at same time i would def want to attempt to gtfo of that situation lol it's pretty much a mental nightmare this game.   great video & great intro

Yeah, i'm assuming she killed someones (or her) child. I'm just not sure if she has anxiety and the guilt is affecting her or if the trauma of killing someone is giving her anxiety.

I loved this game you 100% need to try this super scary !!

I love the style this game has! Everything looks so clean! The jumscares and ambiance were on point! I wish there was a bit more back story within the game. And honestly I wish it was longer! Check out my video if you want :) 

part 2 and this time I actually "win" if you call this winning!

So in love with the artwork of this game! I was a little disappointed that the player felt kind of led what to do. I couldn't do things pre emptivley  even if I knew what the next step was. I found out later in my second play through that it really is a race against the clock so to speak.  All in all though this is an amazing horror game!

This little game was a blast to play! :)

As someone with anxiety I can kinda relate to this game. Alone in the woods with broken car... It would make a lot of people anxious. Even if the gameplay has its limits, I can say that it was well made. Surroundings made me to panic and I wanted to hurry with my car to ignite. So I can say that you nailed it. Story was pretty easy. Noting hard to follow. Only at the end I didn't know if I made it or failed. This is the only unanswered question. If you wanna see me reacting to this game, be my guest and check the video. Have a lovely day ;) 

As someone with anxiety I can kinda relate to this game. Alone in the woods with broken car... It would make a lot of people anxious. Even if the gameplay has its limits, I can say that it was well made. Surroundings made me to panic and I wanted to hurry with my car to ignite. So I can say that you nailed it. Story was pretty easy. Noting hard to follow. Only at the end I didn't know if I made it or failed. This is the only unanswered question. If you wanna see me reacting to this game, be my guest and check the video. Have a lovely day ;) 

Really fantastic game with a couple of well-placed jumpscares. The storywasa bit hard to follow and the scary noises seemed a bit too close together resulting in a less-genuine horror experience, however it was still very entertaining to play.

I like the artstyle! if you're interested I can make music or sound fx for the game :)

Fun game that plays well and yet different than a lot of the horror games out there

This game was great! Definitely very anxiety inducing!

Stranded inside your own car while the horror lurk outside it, wonder what kind of pain awaits outside it. 

Very amazing indie horror game! I had alot of fun playing it and having the living crap scared out of me LOL

Took me long enough to get a full play-through of this recorded... Definitely scared me! Really well developed game. Hope to see more!

This game was so creepy with this feeling that something is outside and waiting for player. And graphics with sounds are so good! 

Terrific game, the graphics and sound design are fantastic. The premise is quite simple and I never really felt stuck while playing it.

The atmosphere of the game is tense, I never felt safe with the "monster" running around the car, appearing at any given moment, some of the sounds sent chills down my spine. The game managed to scare me quite good, which is somewhat hard to do.

Overall, it's a great horror experience and I'd recommend anyone to try it out for themselves.

If you don't mind, I made a short let's play of the game.

Cheers and best wishes!

I loved this. Every mechanic of this game from the jump scares, to the atmosphere and the way in which the player has to turn off the lights/windshield wipers etc. was an accurate simulation of anxiety/panic. Very nice!

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