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I'm still experiencing difficulties when exporting a 360 VR 4k moviesusing my Unity Build or using the builds i created from within Unity. I have to edit the Assets/Scripts/Rendering/VideoRecorderUtils.cs script in order to set up the path to the executable of Tilt Brush, but there's no example on how to do this and I'm not skilled enough in Unity.
Could anyone post an example script where i only have to change the path?
Another question: Is it possible to add 5K VR export to the render.bat?
I'm not sure I fully understand the problem. Maybe come and ask over on our Discord:https://discord.gg/fS69VdFXpk
(if we do find a solution remind me to update the post here for the benefit of other people)
This is the best way to import into Unity:https://github.com/icosa-gallery/icosa-toolkit-unity
Use glb rather than fbx despite what the docs currently tell you.
Sorry for the slow reply (join the Discord for quicker responses)
Thank you for your comment.
The current mirror will not be an accurate mirror drawing target again if you move what you are drawing from the mirror to another location.
I often draw cartoon-style characters.
With the current mirror, it is difficult to make corrections to the character's face, etc. after moving it out of the mirror.
I think this was meant to be a reply to this comment:https://itch.io/post/3032210
You asked:
> The ability to set a mirror based on two selected objects.
I'm still struggling to understand exactly what you mean. Are you saying "once you've moved the mirror it's difficult to get it back in the same place again"?
i.e. would another solution be a way to save and recall mirrors?
Thank you for your comment.
For example, when drawing a person.
Draw symmetrically using a mirror.
After that, move each part of the figure to change the pose.
I want to correct the face and body after moving it, but it's difficult to correct it because it's already outside the mirror.
For example, if I can select the right and left ears and reset the mirror in the center of them, it will be easier to correct the face.
↓My work sample/
Fixed MR support will be available in the next release! If you're feeling adventurous, it's already in our prerelease builds: https://github.com/icosa-gallery/open-brush/releases EDIT: Now available!
Camera path recording will be available in the next release! If you're feeling adventurous, it's already in our prerelease builds: https://github.com/icosa-gallery/open-brush/releases EDIT: Now available!
Both camera paths and LIV support have been added, and will be available in 0.3.0! If you're feeling adventurous, it's already in our prerelease builds: https://github.com/icosa-gallery/open-brush/releases EDIT: Now available!
Thanks for providing a great app.
Please listen to my requests if you can.
The ability to set a mirror based on two selected objects.
The ability to move the selected object a quarter of the traditional unit of movement while holding down the left hand controller button (to fine tune the position of the object).
Thank you very much.
I like the "precision move" idea.
Regarding the "mirror based on two selected objects" suggestion - what advantages does this have over the current mirror?
(PS - I've added "precision move" to our Github suggestions:https://github.com/icosa-gallery/open-brush/discussions/100
I haven't personally tried it but there is a fov option via the config file:https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ZsHozYn9FnWG7y3s3WAyKIACfbfwb4PbaS8cZ_xjvo/...