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Wilder: Ran's Story »Comments

First of all, story is full and finished. It's not like it ends in the middle of action or something. Conclusion does not feel 100% full, there is a tiny hint on "season 2", but it's logical and good. It leaves space for your imagination to say "yes, i bet this will happen and etc" WITHOUT feeling of uncomfortable incompleteness .

Art is nice and dialogues are neat. 

I finished this novel easily and it left me in high spirits.

When I say "easy", and possible others say "sweet", it's not 13 years old kind of stuff. It's  dark in places, pink in places , nicely balanced, decent novel. There are couple of thing that could've been done better like more diverse choices or a little smoother shifts here and there, BUT it does not really affect quality time you spend on it. Completely worth it!

I DID NOT regret a second purchasing it and playing.

As a person who played a lot of interactive novels, I do recommend it=) 

and I hope to dive in more amazing worlds, incredible characters and breathtaking stories, created by sonnet009games.  Thank you. on on Facebook
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