Cried as hell on this one. The thing about fear of unrequited love was such a classic, and yet I totally fell for it. I don't think I had this intensity of crying since a big while. I'm a fan (less of the ending but... Guess I would have been gloomy for some time if it had been different).
I loved the traveller demeanor too.
Thanks again for this stunning story ; wasn't a fan of the concept of nested story, and the fact it started "slow", and then... Totally fell for the writing, I don't know what magic it is, it just works for me.
Also the soft piano piece ? Great stuff, sometimes it seemed like it was a perfect fit with the dialogues and it gave me chiiils.
I'll be sure to check all your did now, I must !
I'm kind of happy you'd dare to take risks like that, even if my first thoughts were "waat the hell, a story in a story in a story ? Come on !". At the end it works and stands out because of that.
Unrelated but Lycoris's first vibes reminded me of Monika from Dokidoki, I really though she tried to glance at the player at first !