


Six Cats Under

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This game was absolutely adorable!

Very nice, congratulations!

(suggestion: with the addition of sound effects it will be perfect)

Loved this game! So cute.

That was great! Really nice point-and-click puzzle design!

:) love this cute game

Very, very nice game. Very much enjoy. It would've been cool to see Goldy's ghost, but other than that, love the game.

I really enjoyed this game! Thank you so much for sharing it!

Um jogo fantástico e com uma historia linda, eu coloquei ele no meu canal, depois da uma olhada ok!

Your game was made almost one year ago; my comment wouldn't be very useful then. But great game! Wow, it's so cute! For that, I would change one detail. I would keep the home as it is but make grandma, gone on vacation, appear on a computer screen on a wall; worried about her cats; trying to open the door for them with the use of a small toydrone. It would just replace the ghost sprite with a minidrone sprite and the gameplay would be the same. You can even transform the small appartment into a big house, with one computer screen in each room (grandma loves to watch her cats); each room being one level; it adds alot of potential until the last exit but also alot of work. And poor fish, why not send some cat food on the stove instead; the cat would leave the fish in peace at the same time. Like this we have one happy grandma, cats and fish >^.^<

Actualy I think the death is a nice part of the game. It had kinda become a taboo subject, like if death was something horrible that we must absolutely not think about or be super afraid by it. But death is just part of life. Here we have the story of a nice grandma who, once her time has come, make sure that the creature she love are safe and then go in peace. And this is adorable, there is no need to transform the story to remove the part that show a peacfull and 'happy' death just to preserve the taboo. I wish we were exposed to more of these kind of 'gentle' death in our current media.

Great game bro

That was awsome thank you :) 

I decided to speedrun. i got 1m 28s then 1m 12s and my best time so far is 57s, ill edit if i get a better time, if you wanna speedrun im timing it from when granny starts talking until it starts to fade into the credits

Edit: managed to get 56s but it took a while lol

Was a super cute game! The amount of work you put into the game really shows as almost everything in the game has a description or a short story connecting to the cats and the overall backstory and the current situation in game. The puzzle was really fun to do though it took time to understand it.. Very well done and cute game!

I am totally stuck, i have Geoff at the fishbowl and ive cooked goldie and have 0 clue what else i need to do. help?

edit: got it!!!!

Well, cooked goldie makes a lot of smell that goes up. Isn't there anything there that could help you get the smell towards the sleeply cat?

how did you get him to goldie?

Very cute game!

My poor brain cannot finish this puzzle due to some inconvenience. No, it's not your fault. I'm just too dumb for this puzzle.

how do you open the application? Or am i just dumb

Maybe you should press 'extract all' to the zip file, then you can play.

my cats approve

lovely game, love the cats and the sweetness of it all. RIP gran gran.


ps: for those who was skuck like me,Geoffrey up the sink, the claf(don't know how to spell that) then the water, and make sure to notice the tv, then you can figure the rest:)

hint: ROAR! 

I'm stuck when geoffrey goes 2 the bathroom. I NEED HELP

Edit: How do i get the cat on the couch to stop attacking geoffrey?!?


Deleted post4 years ago
Deleted4 years ago

At least say what the bug is

This game is so cute, I loved it! Really nice work

I have encountered a bug where you click the toilet paper and the toilet multiple times and it duplicates the cat

more cats more cuteness

you have to put on the roar

What a lovely game! I love the art and discovering new things to interact with. 

Wow I absolutely love this game, thank you so much for making it!

I love this game!! its so adorable.

Aw, so sad. It's really simple once you beat it.

Found this gem today. This is very adorable! :)

Angie4 years ago(2 edits)(+5)

I've tried to beat this game multiple times now, but I always get stuck at the point were I have Gefforey sitting by the sink, and if I have him climb up he runs back to the bathroom. Amazing game, but i'm totally stuck - . -    

 Edit: Nevermind I got it. Amazing game and I am not totally stuck

What was the solution? I'm stuck there right now

Edit: Nvm, I also figured it out

how did you get it? lol, im stuck

edit: nevermind i figured it out lol

Ok, I got stuck here, and since literally no one is giving any hints as to how they got out, I'll help: The TV channel setting

Deleted post4 years ago
Deleted1 year ago

wow fast i got 1:28

ADORABLE I loved this so much!!!! <3 <3 Good job!!


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