Drain Mansion - Free Version may contain content you must be 18+ to view.
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The button option is... interesting. I'll much rather it be Space for Jump than J. Same with the Inventory part being K and having to use A & D to switch, got me in scenarios where I fumbled my buttons and lost.
The Difficulty is interesting, some parts are easy, some not so much. The Dungeon Second Room with the Yellow haired ladies lags the hell out of my game for some reason, and the Ending where I'm out also lags a lot. Btw, some of the girls you can escape in the gallery, while some you can't.
But for a free version? Pretty good. I just wish the save zones were in better areas (especially for the final boss fight)
The game was pretty good to me and I saw one comment complaining about there being no hints of how to solve that locked room puzzle and I only needed toread the signs to figure out the what kind ofaction wasrequested of me tocommit, never mindobserving thesurroundings that clearly tells you what is wrong the with room and what you need to do in order to escape the room!! lol
Of course, it’s quite a pity that this happened to them, especially with his sister, who was turned into a succubus... she was clearly glad to meet her brother... but the powers of the succubus overpowered her...
Also that music...and the concept that she will never return and will never be the same...