Hi, I go under Nysralel.
5 years of playing professional gigs//4 years of teaching keys//Studied music at University. Got into electronic music production 4 years ago. Am a big lover of games, have been in a couple of local jams. Looking to continue to develop my skills in production via more jams. I'm very comfortable with keys, but I've still got plenty of learning to do in electronic production - hence, Jams. Happy to discuss more via discord + link you to further unpublished music // general stuff leave me a reply below //
disc: Nice meme#8007
Uploaded this as an example for now: https://soundcloud.com/nysralel-996648090/sourgrape
Hi, are you looking for more devs for your team? I have 4+ years of experience in the software industry (mostly Python/Go/Rust/Typescript), and roughly 2 years of game dev experience in Unity and C#. I'm also currently employed as a graphics engineer, working with OpenGL.
I love making games as a hobby! This is my first game jam. If you're interested you can find some of my graphics programming work here: https://github.com/rishabh-bector/rapidengine. Let me know if I can help.
Hey, I'd love to hook up and collaborate on something for this game. Here is my soundcloud that has many different sketches and also music from the jam I just finished working on https://soundcloud.com/user-883264187
Hi, are you still looking for more devs to form a team? I have 4+ years of experience in the software industry (mostly Go/Rust/Typescript), and roughly 2 years of game dev experience in Unity 2D and C#. I'm also currently employed as a graphics programmer.
I love making games as a hobby! This is my first game jam. If you're interested you can find some of my graphics programming work here: https://github.com/rishabh-bector/rapidengine. Let me know if I can help.
Hello there! My name is 10n3r. I am a composer with 10+ years of experience,with some skills of music and sound design implementation in unity, would love to find people to make games for jams :)
You can find my portfolio here www.10n3r.com Hope to hear from you.
Hey, I am an Unreal Engine programmer in both Blueprints and C++. If anyone would like to team up for the upcoming jam, send me a DM and we can work together. My preferred method of communication would be through discord. You can view my previous gamejams on my profile: https://jirath.itch.io/
Hi! I’m looking for a team to join!
I’ve been programming for over eight years now, and I’ve spent over four years writing mods for Minecraft with a particular focus on library development and more back-end systems. I may not be as “traditionally” creative as some people (e.g. level design, art, writing, etc.), but I love using my technical skill to help those around me with a more creative bent build amazing things.
I have a ton of experience in Kotlin/Java, much of which transfers to C#, and a bit of recent experience with scripting languages like python. I’ve used a lot of languages before however, so picking up new ones isn’t overly difficult. I have a bit of experience using Unity and Blender, and considerable experience with git.
I’m looking to get a job in the game development industry, so I’m hoping to learn more about the process and what goes into making a game from start to finish, along with getting more experience working in a close team, since a lot of my experience thus far has been more “lone wolf” development.
I am looking to join a team as a composer, or possibly to also do work in writing, voiceovers and/or sound design. I am new to the game jam scene but have some basic experience with Unity and coding in C#.
I love creating in progressive styles and I am comfortable with many genres. I play 20 instruments, have a professional-quality studio, and 12 years of audio experience. I love making music that sets a scene. I'm down for the challenge of any idea, the weirder the better! You can find some portfolio examples here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/197j7UZvCCWC1owCvDdok5MWj_K0ZkKTM
Don't let that stop you, you can find music and sounds on sites likeFreeSound andImcompetech to use in your game.
Hi! Looking for a team members!
Im in industry 10+ years (recently joined itch.io and already have one project in my portfolio). Can do game design and organize workflow of a team. Have ideas for hyper casual RTS like game with dices. If we finish game i want to sell this game to a hypercasual companies.