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Three Lesbians in a Barrow »Comments

oh my goodness... i finished playing through this entire series a week or so ago, and i honestly just had to come here and say: thank you so, so much for putting this art into the world!  if i am being completely honest with myself, i think this is the first time i have ever felt truly represented by... uhm... well, any piece of media.  period.  ever.  in my entire life.  the first time i have ever played or watched anything where i feel so wholly at home and welcome and understood by the narrative that i could actually take it for granted.  

at several points in these games, i had to stop and wonder if this is what cis people feel like, about the stories they cherish.  where they can so effortlessly relate to the main characters and find personal meaning in what they're seeing.  i think it made me really realize that for so long now, all i've experienced is either man-in-a-dress hurtful dehumanizing garbage, or fauxgressive stuff about what cis people think the trans experience is.  where cis actors play characters written by other cis people, whose stories pretty much always revovle solely around Trans Suffering™, so that the cis audience can pat themselves on the back and feel good about the fact that they feel sorry for the trans person who inevitably gets abused and deadnamed.   because of course they will be.  because we always are.  because our place within fiction may as well just be the cute dog that gets killed onscreen for cheap shock value.  i don't think i even knew really what anactual story starring a actual trans character could actually look like.  but now i do!  and it makes me so happy that i was lucky enough to come across this series :>

i can't even begin to describe how close to home trixie's outburst in bell's route hit.  down to the exact age when i started my transition!  every last line in that scene making me just stare, wide-eyed, over the fact that a piece of fiction thatisn't even about Being Trans could so perfectly and naturally articulate thoughts that have run through my head over and over and over again throughout the years.  and when i found out in tliab that tabby is trans too?!?!?!  can that happen?!  is that even legal?!  to have two (2) entire trans characters in main character roles?!  in the same story?!  TALKING to each other and bonding over their shared experiences, like actual trans people might do?!  and they still get to go on cool and gay cosmic horror adventures in a really fascinating setting! holy shit.  what the fuckmst.

thank you again, for making these games.  they were an absolute treat to get to experience.  whether you keep making stories in this world, or move onto other projects, i'm sure it'll be amazing!

also, i laughed a lot whenever lovecraft got dunked on

hell yeah

Thank you so much! Comments like this mean so much to me! I wrote my games because I wanted trans women to have something they could point at and say "thats us!" because im so tired of never seeing myself in media! on on Facebook
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