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Thank you Rahnaf for playing Urskog and sharing your experience on your youtube-channel! We feel lucky to have you making the video, and it was a joyful experience for us developers to watch it.
Spoiler Alert! To hopefully put your mind at ease:
The final activation of the peace-symbol was just an easter egg, but we were glad that you found it :)
wow wow and wow. What a stunning adventure you have created here devs. I gave the demo a 20 minute play and got stuck at the point where you have to interect with the 6 mushrooms but I am completely taken a back at how beautiful this adventure and I have played it more than once. I just can't help leaving the path to have a look around.
Here's a video I did up to the point where I got stuck and if you can give me a pointer to get past this point then I would love to play Urskog again and do another video.
Good Luck and ThanksThank you for the feedback and for playing! Right now has it is coded, the mushrooms cannot be activated until all the mushrooms have been playing once. So you have to wait for all the mushrooms to play a tune, before you can activate them in the correct order. I hope this helps, and if you have any questions or if it does not work, do not hesitate to contact us!