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I think I'm missing some things with the combat system.
1. How do I tell when an opponent is blocking, versus when I can hit them?
2. What is the shove (LMB when blocking) for? I've tried it, but it doesn't seem to have an effect.
Otherwise, I really like this game! It's the first one I've bought from Sokpop, and it's certainly a good first impression. However, I do agree that a save system should be implemented as soon as possible.
The shove is a parry kind of mechanic. If you use it after your enemy starts their attack, you'll knock them off balance for a bit and you can get some hits in.... and that's the only time I've definitely been able to tell whether I'll hit an enemy or they'll block it.
Too early on the parry and you get guard broken instead. Too late, and you just don't knock them off balance.
Dunno I'm not playing the game right or what but I think this game is just impossible without a save function...Starting all over everytime you die is pure frustration like a rage game, but I believe that's complete opposite from what this game is trying to achieve. I mean yes I barely just got the wings and haven't really tried fighting the frog with that on, but that's literally as far as I got in bout two hours straight lol. Idea is good, art is good, love the funny conversation and physics, just need a bit more polish I guess(or I just really really really suck at this game period).
Also you lose your health boosts after you die, and you can't get them back. I'd rather hang myself than fight the tiger beetle without getting hit once. Also, if anyone wants to know how to defeat the frog, just make sure you have wings before you fight it. Use them to dodge his fat, sticky, erotic tongue. Don't jump too often, however, since you could glitch out and lose all your progress. C'est la vie.