


The Shadows Inside

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I loved the idea and artstyle of this game, I just can't get past the darn vent area! I've been wandering around aimlessly, but I get the occasional text telling me to "keep going...", giving me some sort of clue that I was on the right track. Now it's been 20 minutes since, and I still haven't been able to find any sense of direction. I don't know if I'm missing or unable to see some kind of clue or map (browser cuts off my screen a little bit). I'm literally running in circles here. Any advice?

how the fuck do i pull an object

also i lost all my progress since the bug didn't let me finish so please add check points or saves so i don't have to play the game all over again next time i exit

This is my 1# favourite game on Thank you. Everything about it is absolute perfection and exactly the kind of game I've been searching for. All I ask is PLEASE squash the pesky bugs!

That intro fealt so good.
I had a blast playing through the first room, but it slowed down a lot durent the vent level. It was really long.
Unfortunrly I didn't see the end, as I got softlocked with the invincible shadows.
In summary I great game.·View all by KFriskeStudios·Report·Embed

