


Project Kat

Project Kat

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I'm looking forward to the full version of this game, I like it personally, and keep up the good work devs! 

Out of all the horror-themed VNs I've seen recently, this one is my favorite! The soundtrack, the story, the characters, the art-style, the simple running animation, it's just beautiful

we wo5 years ago(1 edit)(+2)

all i have to say, is just i love it i love it ilove it.

We love you for loving it ♥

The artwork is superb and cripsy. The gameplay physicas are simple. This is a game that  i would definitely recommend to my peers

Thanks so much!! ^^ 

The artwork in this game is amazing !

The Story is interesting and i'm really exited for the full game.

This is an amazing game :) It was my first time playing a horror RPG and I was stuck to my chair during the whole run. The art is beautiful and the story very appealing. I hope you guys can release a sequel soon! Best of lucks!

Thank you!! We're working on it and will post updates :) 

How scary is this game in comparison to stuff like the monkey's paw and the white door? Is it mostly jumpscares orr psychological horro? Please help this scaredy cat out. Also, is it a sad kind of game or a  goood type of game ending? I really wanna try this but I also wanna sleep. Thanks

It's psychological horror, we can't spoil the ending but it shouldn't keep you up at night ;3 Sleep is important !! 

Thanks, as much as I like the game, I get spooked really easily (by things like level 5 celeste) so I think I pass on this. Seems great though!

I can honestly say those enemies in lvl 5 of Celeste freaked me out too hahaha (I don't like things that dash towards me :'3 ) so I respect your choice :D
- Kai 

Please make more!! Love this story!

We will !!! ♡ Thank you for your support! 

Oops! Mind telling us how you managed to do that? (You should be able to close and reopen the game, it saves regularly)

I was just walking then realized I was walking under the stairs, I was trapped and couldn't get out. Closing and reopening the game made it better, though.

how do you save

The game will AutoSave pretty often !

this was a lot of fun tobad theres not much to it right nall

I loved this game and it's design n graphics! Good job i'm looking forward for the full game 

This was SO COOL. I loved everything about it! The story was fascinating, Kat was an interesting character (I loved the skeptic who wanted to try something regardless of not totally believing in it vibe), I loved the art & the setting. Just so fascinating, I want MORE! :D

Thank you so much!! :D 

im new  to play -_- but  i

Overall, I very much enjoyed this! :D

I loved the section within the school: carrying out the ritual; interacting with the other students; the pacing of the spookiness; the eventual disappearance of the others; and even the music--all were excellent, I felt.

The section in the other world did, however, leave me a little cold I fear. The various doors seemed interesting, and I liked the suddenly-long corridor that led to the "ordinary key"--but I was disappointed to only pass through a few of those doors. Furthermore, the final section took place in a series of mostly-empty corridors, only spiced up by the gloating of the mysterious other entity.

That said, I rather liked the characters, and the writing seemed good. I also really liked that there seemed to be some choice in how to proceed at various points, such as whether or not to return the drama-room key.

I'm very interested to see where this goes, and am eager to see more! ^_^

Thank you for your detailed comment!! We understand exactly what you mean about the 2nd part, it's definitely something we would like to improve ^^ However, only accessing part of the doors is intended for this "prologue" for reasons we can't explain yet ;) 

Fair enough on both points, and the comment is my pleasure! ^_^

To the first point, I'm interested to see what improvements you may make! ^_^

As to the doors, that does make sense! Well, I'm interested to someday see what lies beyond them, then. ^_^

PS: Something that I was reminded of in watching a let's play: the inclusion of minigame-style puzzles--in this case the desk-pushing puzzle--was a welcome addition, as I recall. ^_^

Really fun experience! Filled a survey, looking forward to more progress :D

Thank you !! And thanks for taking the time to fill the survey !

I discovered this game on the ManlyBadassHero youtube channel. It is a very impressive demo. Looking forward to the full release.

this is amazingg

I can go underneath the stairs. hold up and right.

Looking forward to the Full Version, and of course I like it so far.

Awesome game! I absolutely loved the artwork, gameplay, dialogue, and all! I'm excited to see what's in-stored for its future :D. Here's a video of my playthrough if you ever get the chance :). I also played  a good chuck off camera after beating it. I'm amazed to see how much 'secrets' there are!

Thank you so much for playing! :D We really enjoyed your humor haha 
(We were confused at the very start when you said Kat is dead, but to be fair, the wording for our synopsis is kind of lousy x'D Glad you enjoyed it anyway!!) 

I'm so glad to hear you guys got the chance to watch :D! I'm excited to see it at its fullest!! (ALSO LOL)

I love the art style :D Keep up the good work!

Q: Is there Project Kat 2 or sequel version in the future? I would love to see another one!

From Alpha Beta Gamer with love <3

Thank you ! Project Kat is the prologue to a larger story, so you can expect a continuation! :) 

I just watched a playthrough of this on youtube (I'm too chicken to play horror games myself haha) I LOVE Kat as a character! She's spunky and a little mean and it's delightful. The sprites are beautiful, the details well done, the dialog funny and natural sounding. This is a fantastic game and I am REALLY looking forward to more!

 I stumbled upon this game a few days ago on YouTube and I keep re-watching different people play the prologue. I haven't played it myself, but I am in love with everything. The pixel art isbeautiful! I love the detail in the environments and the cute chi bi characters contrasting with the scary stuff. And the music is excellent in creating an immersive atmosphere. My favorite piece thus far is the Occult Club room theme. And the drawings are amazing as well. The one thing I noticed is that when Kat walks up to something you can interact with you may have to click around for a bit before getting it. It's not a issue, just something I think could be made easier for players with a glowing effect. I'm so excited for you guys and I can't wait to see the full game. 10/10 from me!

Thank you so much for the nice comments! We hope you'll like the next part :) We will consider reworking the interaction system depending on the feedback we get! 

I saw your game on a let's play from ManlyBadassHero and it got me really interested in to try it out myself to see if there was any secret i could find out myself.

This game has everything for it to work out as a good rpg maker horror game, and i really hope to see in a near future the full release of it.

The art style, the atmosphere and the story construction are great, so keep the good work going. :)

Thanks so much! :D We will keep working hard !!

I had no idea about this until just before installing it and I enjoyed my experience with it. Keeping in mind that this is the beginning of something larger, the short playtime is actually really welcome. I appreciated the slight variations in formula compared to other top-down pixel horror games I've played in the past, and I actually appreciate a lot about the smaller spooks in the game. The character relationships are neat, and I'm intrigued to see them resolved.

My sister introduced me to this game, and I have to say I absolutely love the art style, the characters, the horror, and the story. I really hope this larger project that was mentioned in the credits becomes an actual thing. I'd love to see more from you!

oh my god this game was so good don't regret dowloading it the art style is so pretty and the story of the game is so interensting I was looking for some game like this for some time a thankfuly this one showed up I really hope more people dowload it so they can continue the game develop and more people can play it as well:)

I've been searching for content with this sort of vibe for ages, and when I stumbled upon this game I knew I had to play it right away. The art style works so well for this game; despite the cute pixel factor, I was genuinely feeling anxious while playing this! The mood is so amazingly conveyed through the music choices, dialogue, and color palette, and everything is so detailed and well thought out! I love it, 10/10! 

Thank you so much !! We're glad you enjoyed it !

I can NOT describe how much I loved this! Wow! One of my favorite games is Yuppie Psycho and this felt similar enough to make me feel nostalgic but like I was experiencing something brand new and amazing. I so so so much hope you guys make a full version this was amazing. I made a playthrough but goofed up and ended up playing through it twice lol but if you'd like to see that anyway thank you :D

Thank you for playing it !! We're happy you enjoyed it enough to play it twice hahah :3
(Also yes, Yuppie Psycho is really cool :D )

This was so cool!! 

Hello, When I start the game and press enter for play the game shut down. 

someone can help me with that :) thx 

Change your regional format to English(US).
Just checked that out and it works for me, hope it will work for everybody else :)

Hi! We just uploaded v1.0.2. Do you still have this issue with the new version?

grahma5 years ago(1 edit)(+2)

The problem is solved! Works flawlessly. Thanks for all the work :D

Edit: Just finished it, take it to my special folder for great indie horror games. The art style is just amazing, the atmosphere was dark and anxious, everything is spot on. Beautiful piece of art <3

loved it!

 specially the character KAT  and looking forward to the complete version;)

I loved the game! It was very intriguing and just the right amount of spooky! I am really excited for the puzzles in the full game and how the different ways to solve them comes up! :)

how do i play game? i downloaded but cant find game application

You should be able to download the right zip for your system, extract it, and double click the executable to play.

I downloaded version 1.0.1.

I have an issue where my resolution keeps fluctuating.

Basically, each second the resolution changes, and because of that sometimes the coloured part of the game screen can be either a quarter of the whole window, or it can no longer fit in the whole window itself (even fullscreen).

Am I missing something?

Not sure if what I'm saying makes sense.

P.S.: Should I post issues/bugs on this thread, or somewhere else?

Hi! Not sure I understand what you mean... That sounds like a very weird issue. We've never encountered it before.

Please make sure your video drivers are up to date, and feel free to send us more details if the problem persists.

the art is good, the music gives me a bit of a Corpse Party feel which is very good, atmosphere is basically a  school at night with the girls and your obsession as Kat. I enjoyed it so far

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