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Ahoy! Quick question about the plugin:
What is the deal with the ImageCache and AudioCache, exactly? Since my game must also reside in the Program Files folder (via an installer) or packaged within a MSIX package (which don't allow writing anything to the game's folder), do I need to include them, or I can just allow the game to create them?
That is fantastic news o_o; this plugin was not intended to fix bugs haha, but this is definitely a plus. It was simply created to allow OTF( on the fly ) assets, to be preloaded instead, that way there are no stutters, it also pauses a scene immediately after a scene change, and will wait until the FPS stabilizes, because in MV, when a new scene is loaded, the scene will become active, when the frames are still unstable, which causes some severe stuttering upon exiting menu, back to map, or changing maps. This slightly increases the loading time, in order to prevent these stutters ^^
Hi Chaucer,
You made some compatibility fixes for Altimit Pixel Movement and Yanfly Region Restrictions which I found in a abandoned demo game Naima's Melody. Since I'm using Altimit, I would like permission to try those fixes out in my project. If not, Restart had also made a compatibility fix for the two plugins that I would use instead but I would to see if maybe yours is better.
Hi, can you help me with this error please?
rpg_managers.js:1949 TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of undefined
at Bitmap._createBaseTexture (rpg_core.js:777)
at Bitmap.get (rpg_core.js:817)
at Scene_Map.Scene_Base.removeImageAsset (Chau_SceneStabilizer.js:676)
at Scene_Map.Scene_Base.removeAsset (Chau_SceneStabilizer.js:658)
at Scene_Map.Scene_Base.removeAssets (Chau_SceneStabilizer.js:644)
at Scene_Map.Scene_Base.detachReservation (Chau_SceneStabilizer.js:1621)
at Function.SceneManager.changeScene (rpg_managers.js:1999)
at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (rpg_managers.js:1982)
at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (SRD_SuperToolsEngine.js:413)
at Function.SceneManager.update (rpg_managers.js:1907)
Updated the plugin!
● Version : 7.2.0
● Date : 05/26/2020
✩ Fixed help file!
✩ Fixed "Cannot set property 'key' of undefined" error.
✩ Fix error loading item animations( thanks ScSWinter for finding this !).
★ Removed autoClear, it's now always enabled.
★ "Manually Preloaded Files" was renamed to "Persistent Assets".
★ Removed preload scene to prevent confusion( it's wasn't really needed ).
My brother I am desperately searching for a plugin like yours but your v-7.1.0 doesn't work (first of all the plugin manager doesn't allow the filename but after you delete the last part it accepts it).
When I start the game it says :
TypeError: Cannot set property 'key' of undefined
at Function.AudioManager.loadStaticSe (Chau_SceneStabilizer.js:1562)
at Function.SoundManager.loadSystemSound (rpg_managers.js:1534)
at Function.SoundManager.preloadImportantSounds (rpg_managers.js:1526)
at Scene_Boot.start (QPlus.js:869)
at Function.SceneManager.updateScene (Chau_SceneStabilizer.js:1514)
at Function.SceneManager.updateScene (GraphicalDesignMode.js:1305)
at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (rpg_managers.js:1983)
at Function.SceneManager.update (rpg_managers.js:1907)
If you need more Info gimme an update pls.
I wanna make a game that goes 50% for charity and it lags like hell.
I apologize for that, try to rename the file, just name it to Scene_Stabilizer.js, it's an issue I didn't take into account when naming the file, I'll fix this soon. :) as for the error you're recieving, I'll look into this asap, and let you know if i need more info or not. I'll have a new version uploaded within a day or two.
Doing this seems a bit counterproductive, Version 7.0.0+ has automatic preload , it's completely plug and play, there's no need to specify files anymore. This means, that as you playtest your game, any audio files, or image files, that are loaded mid scene/map, are automatically flagged for preload without you having to specify them. The next time you enter that scene/map those files will be loaded into memory before the scene ever starts.
This section that you're in is only to load files that should stay in memory at all times, I.E. a file that's used in almost every scene, and or is called frequently, that way time isn't wasted unloading, and reloading the same file between scene transfers.
Imo though, this feature shouldn't be used for entire folders, as that would mean that the entire contents of the folder will always be retained in memory and will never clear itself.
Also folders can't be specified here, only singular files, as it's not intended to be used for large amounts of content for the above mentioned reasons.
Updated the plugin( Version 7.1.0 ).
● Version : 7.1.0
● Date : 02/04/2020
★ Added delta time check to ensure fps is stable before beginning scene.
★ Fallback to WebStorage if a cache is not built before deployment.
★ Reset the accumulator for SceneManager on scene start.
✩ autoClear now only clears assets loaded for the corresponding scene.
Added Version 7.0.1, this version has only been tested on rpg maker mv 1.6.0+ and most likely will not work on 1.5.X and below.
● Version : 7.0.0
● Date : 01/21/2020
★ Refactored entire plugin.
★ Auto preload functionality added.
✩ Dropped support for preloading videos( temporarily ).
✩ Dropped support for preloading via note tags( it's no unnecessary ).
✩ Dropped support cacheLimit alteration( for now ).
● Version : 7.0.1
● Date : 01/25/2020
✩ Fixed Error in loading non existant cache file.