Explore the kaleidoscopic::contours of ocean::ephemera · By
Read this thread after finishing ocean::ephemera.
I've created a discussion board for people to share their thoughts after finishing. Share your thoughts in this topic. Our intention behind this is to allow everyone to go into ocean::ephemera without the thoughts of others morphing your individual experience. Please be aware of the following:
- We are not looking for feedback. This is complete and finished.
- Please be aware that this is a free work of art. If you did not enjoy it, understand that this may just be something that was not made for you.
- Humans made this. Humans will read this. We like hearing about your human experience.
Thank you for exploring ocean::ephemera
I have always loved games where you just explore a space for a while and this was a beautiful space to meditate in for the duration of the game. From looking at social media posts, it sounds like there is a hidden part of the game that no one has seen yet, and while I really wish I could know what it is, even what I experienced is fantastic.
The first part felt like that moment before falling asleep when, if you try to see with your eyes closed, shapes and images begin to appear out of the black but just as you see them, they vanish. Overall it was a soothing experience. It also brought to mind the version of "Song to the Siren" by John Frusciante. Thank you for creating and sharing this.