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Quest APK Installer »Comments

I received a number of requests on my discord server for help with development of a closed-source application withthis exact feature set a few days before you posted this.(Update:Seemingly unrelated)

In case this is related(update: seemingly not - was someone else with unfortunate timing), I would like to give a reminder thatLightning Launcher's license does not allow for any portion of its code to be used or redistributed, even if modified, without attribution.

Requesting access to the user's filesystem is also a strange choice. The same functionality can be achieved without sensitive permissions by using a system file picker.You're welcome to reference Lightning Launcher's implementation of a similar feature, which does not require file system access.

This application has been on my very large todo list for a long time. Users of my Quest Games Optimizer application have asked me for an easy way to install it (as well as any apk and soon xapk) without going through the Mobile VR Station application (used to install my application) which requires additional manipulations. The emergency being with v74 which broke the native installer package of the Quest, users found themselves blocked. So I prioritized this development to solve the problem. I'm part of the PTC, it was annoying for users and for me.

Maybe you didn't read the description of my application well, the goal is for it to list the apk itself without having to go through a file picker.

I am unsure what benefit is gained from this approach (do you not trust your users to navigate a file picker?), but if the demand is there more power to you. I'm also not sure how installing an additional application via ADB is supposed to make installation of your other app easier.

If your schedule is really so busy, it might be a better use of time to direct users to an existing application or contributing to an open-source application such asSAI. on on Facebook
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