I can make an white overlay for those animations.
Thank you so much in advance, honestly you're doing amazing work and I love working with your sprites in my projects
So just to make sure, You want hurt animation for idle, run and death right? Or you just want hurt animation overall?
i would love a dedicated hurt animation of the player. Sort off the idea that it gets a knockback from the attack
Oh alright, I misunderstood you. There is hurt animation in the Player_Idle_Run_Death_Anim.png Its that white player model. Exactly row 8, 9 and 10.
aha! Gotcha. I'll see if I can make that work. Thanks for the quick updates! Keep up the amazing work!
Yeah this works great, I took the 3 first sprites of that sheet in row 8,9,10 ! Thanks a lot for responding and helping me on my way again.