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Conclusion? A TOP 5 Visual Novel experience. Hoping Cosy Cafe 3 releases in 2025.
1. Overall, the writing is quite decent, especially for the genre.
2. Quality renders & higher fidelity models than most, (playable on standalone Quest 3).
3. Creates uniquely identifiable female characters, in terms of individual traits & behaviours, while the protagonist thinks, speaks & behaves his age.
* Hopes/Dreams of an animator/writer.*
* If Part 2 was Act 2/3, it only lacked a heavy & personal "dark night of the soul" experience, or substantial setback involving self-doubt, danger/injury/breaking point/etc. wherein all his women activate to temporarily perform his different roles while nurturing him back to health mentally/physically/emotionally/etc. in the nick of time, as he's done for them.
* The only feature stopping this game from being the absolute best-in-class, would be important long-term character branching decisions (not just cutscene specific visuals), with major ramifications/rewards/etc.
But having dealt with that myself, I'm aware of how it increases everyone's workload & complicates matters tenfold... so I understand why few companies go that route.
I've got to say, I am usually vary about Hentai looking games as the lewd scenes are often exaggerated, choppy and unrealistic and they are usually cartoon like. Low and behold, you are creating a master piece here. The story, the humor, the turns and twists are so good that I find myself going back to previous parts to read and understand it all again since I was bit too quick to hit the click button. I actually restarted the game from the beginning to read everything. Lewd scenes are great, arousing and there is so many of them. It shows that you have put in a tremendous effort here and thank you for doing so. Very well done.
Wow, someone is butthurt over something no one but themselves cares about. There is no true choice in any game buddy. All choices are predetermined even in the most open sandbox games, which this and most VNs are not and will never be. Most choices never matter anyway, not truly, like in any of the "story driven" games like Walking dead or Life is strange.
Dont like, dont play. Nothing more to say.
I do, I enjoy doing many things , I've built house's, cars, made knives, I've done some great landscaping work as well, but I'm not here for my creativity I'm here for cosy's, and I'm here too stay...
If you don't like the story nobody is forcing you to be here your free too leave, but the one's that are here for the story enjoy the way it is, which in turn means that cosy is doing a wonderful job bc there are a lot of us. Have a nice evening bud hopefully you'll learn to appreciate the little things in life.
tbh, I don'r miss the lack of choice at all. The story is interesting enough and the depth of the characters is good enough that I do not even notice that lac at all while playing.
Also, in many AVN's, most people track back and choose the other option when their choice means the skip a scene. How many other AVNs have comments of people asking "how do I get this missing scene in my gallery?" That is not needed when the answer is just play to the end to unlock everything.
Of course I can understand the ability to skip scenes of the characters you are not interested in, but that easy and quick to just hold down <LEFT><CTRL> (skip) during the scenes you don't want. (assuming you set your skip to affect animations.)
I don't usually write many reviews but I just had to with this one. This game is absolutely amazing, from the characters to the plot to the lewdness. Unfortunately, I suffer from high attachment anxiety so I cling to the characters a lot more than the average person. That being said, I look forward to continue watching this masterpiece develop. (I am currently almost caught up so about to have to resort to another game in the meantime.) Since I am a visual learned, I would, however, really appreciate it if you can post some sort of tree of the characters in relation to the founders and each other because I am getting a little confused with who is relevant to whom in context of the story. Other than that, like I said, I love what you have done so far and look forward to more of your work in the future. Thank You.
Seems one user her is benig awfully nasty for this not having choices. I dont understand. No games have actual choice in them, not even sandbox games. All choices in all games that have them are predetermined, you have no freedom of choice. You dont even have that in real life so i do not understand.
I deleted my post because I realized it was an error on my end. Replayed the entire game again just to double check and everything worked fine. Also, I'm not one to tell you how to do your job but if I die without an Akatsuki+Sarah scene where they are climbing over the MC like a tree, I will riot. Seriously though, love the game. Can't wait for the next update!
I loved it!! A VN with great longevity, just the way I like them. I appreciate the story and the fact that the 18+ scenes feel natural and coherent, and that they’re not limited to just one per character per episode like other VNs do. If a scene makes sense, it happens, and that’s great. The characters are well-developed, and the dialogues are well-written. The visuals are very pretty, and the renders are fantastic. I wish it had lasted even longer. Please keep going in this direction, this is one of my favorite VNs !
Hello Uncle Café, I hope you are well and that you have the best start to the year, I haven't written in a long time and I thought it was rude of me not to ask how you were, I hope you are well and in good health, I would also like to ask you approximately when the next update would be.
PS: sorry for still using a translator
So I just found Lucy on a different game and the game name is That New Teacher. HAHAHAHA, she was talking to clarissa a character on that game talking girls stuff as it say but this only happens because you bang a student you on a train bathroom.... The train is exactly the same👄 Hahahaha damn mate after that you leave that girl and go back to clarissa and that's it.
Usually when playing Harem AVNs there are one or two girls that I latch on to primarily, especially in the sandbox ones, and dislike linearly structured games because it forces me to interact with characters I don't really care for.
However in this game every girl is incredibly well written and designed and I find myself excited to continue the story with all of them, and I am thankful for the linear structure to keep the story moving in a thoughtful and balanced way.
One of the best I've played and I will be joining the Patreon for 0.12 early access.
I have just binged this one over the last 3 days and I feel empty inside now that I'm done with the story for the time being.. absolutely longing for more. Truly impressive work in the pacing and world-building and I love the political side as well, although I might need a diagram soon to not lose track who belongs to which family and where the crossovers are. The BGM seems to be massively underrated and I'd like to commend whoever made the music (if you made that yourself too, that would blow my mind entirely) - I need to find me my own little Akatsuki for sure! Thank you for this and well done Dev!!
Edit: at first I was a bit disappointed at the lack of decisions to make but I got so involved with the characters and the story that I just didn't care much for making decisions
i really enjoy this game, apart from Rachael, looking forward to the next update, story is compelling, artwork is good, it flows well and the the sex scenes mesh well with the story, its not just sex for sex sake it all blends together well, give it an 8/10 but seriously tone down Rachael, she's just god awful.