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Played one route, feels too bloated.
Its more of a game for actual HP fans, than it is adult game. Lots of repetition, its unclear where and when you need stats, i remember only one check on hooligans in abandoned tower.
Stat system gives little, but tricks you into thinking it is important. And when you grinded your stats to go outside, chapter ends almost immediately.
Game is great otherwise, but bloat drugs it down a lot, im not sure i will come for future updates. Nice homage to OG game with hermione though.
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
Theres is a false alarm of your antivirus, you can check it on
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
Try to re-download or download from official site
Also, If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
Android: Android/data/innocent.witches/files/saves
PC/Linux: Innocent Witches/game/saves
Mac: Innocent Each save has two important numbers in its name. - " 3 - 4". The first number means the page in the game menu on which this save will be displayed. The second number means the position on the page. If you change anything in the save name other than these two numbers, the game will not be able to display it.
The game has a backup save folder. If you have some problems with user rights on your device, and you can't find the saves in the folders mentioned above, your saves will be here:
PC: %appdata%/RenPy/Innocent-Witches {version}
Linux: ~/.renpy/Innocent-Witches {version}
Mac: ~Library/RenPy/Innocent-Witches {version}
You can get access to android data folder via certain file managers, you can find more about it here for example rly have to say, this game is something else. To be honest this is the first real game in this genre that i have played. There is so much attention to detail, its unbelievable if compared to other similar games.
Sure, one has to like the artstyle, but if you do, there is nothing that compares to the experience this game offers. Really magnificent.
I hope you can finish it, i really do.
I have one question. How much more content is in the patreon version compared to the public release?
Thanks for doing what you do.
Hello! Thank you so much for your support.
Changelog here:
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
Hi creator, I thought this game was really cool, you know... I just finished the new version 0.11.2B, the new plot was cool, but it's so good that I'm already wondering when the new update will come out? And if there will be more intimate scenes with the characters (monitors) or others, the only ones seen like that were in 0.10 but I don't think they are canonical if I can say so. But congratulations on the game, it's incredible, I hope everything goes well for the other update and that the Brazilian translation extends further too.
Hello,I help with Ginny story in the new story.I need to get a "Flying Fraun" from a catalogue but I dont where to get it.I have three different catalogues,Bonny fosca,the huntress and the sex toy one but neither of them have it.
I remember seeing a flyer on the notice board with a broom on it but I could only view the notife board nightime and ehen I did the flyer did nothing.
Could you help?
Firstly, old version of the game, probably a bug, download the latest version of the game
Secondly, If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
First of all, thanks for the quick reply. I thought someone would respond, but seeing the devs reply this quickly directly is really reassuring and gives (from my point of view) a sense of care for the game, which is awesome. Congratulations!
Now, let me explain my question in more detail. I’m at the beginning of Act 1 (I’ll include images):
I downloaded the game, and when I entered for the first time, it asked me to choose the language. I picked English. Then it asked if I’m over 18, and finally, it asked whether I wanted "Live2D animations" or "Default animations." I chose the first option for Live2D, but it said the game needed to restart. I confirmed and waited, but the game froze and became "whited out," like when a Windows app crashes. I waited and eventually it closed on its own and didn’t reopen, when I opened it again, everything seemed normal. I checked the settings and saw that the LIVE2D Animations option was still enabled, like I showed in the image. But when any scene starts, the LIVE2D option doesn’t work. I can’t click it and it says to enable it in the settings, but it’s already enabled, like I showed. So I thought of two things:
If the second possibility is true, could you tell me where the file is that saves the Live2D or Default choice? I deleted the game and erased the save in /renpy/innocent_witchers, but when I opened it again, the option to choose the language and whether to use Live2D or Default didn’t show up anymore, like it was already saved somewhere else on my computer, maybe a "cache" or something that doesn’t clear even if I delete the save or the game. But I couldn’t find it to delete and start to see if the game crashes this time.
Thanks for your patience reading all this. I hope I was clear, and if not, I can explain more if needed.
Thanks again for your patience! So, this didn’t work, but I found a solution. Just to be sure, I "messed up" the game until Live2D stopped working again and tried your fix, but it didn’t work. What actually worked for me was deleting the "PERSISTENT" and "TOKENS" folders from:
I’m not sure if that makes a bad difference in the game since new folders were created automatically, but at least for this bug, it worked really well and my buggy save is working perfectly so far. I’ll test more and if I notice anything, I’ll let you know on Discord. Thanks again! Love the game!
Would there be a way for players to use their old saves when a new version comes out? I have played the game twice now but would love for the saves to carry over so you can just continue the story from there.
I love this game and was also wondering if there's gonna be a definitive version that just gets downloadeable updates now and then?
I meant that version 0.10.7 is very old, it has a lot of bugs and flaws, the latest free version of the game 0.10.10 has a lot of additions and fixes to the game.
The old and new plot are very different, but the old plot will not be continued.
Saves to the new version will most likely not be transferred because version 0.10.7 is very old. I suggest you use cheats and the function of starting the game from any act. In the game itself, select new game and select the act and chapter
How to cheat:
Android: Everything is preinstalled, so memories/achievements unlocking button is available in "extra" -> "extra" in main menu, and cheats are available during playthrough in Sonya's menu.
PC / Linux / MAC: First close the game if it’s running. Then open our site and make sure you have the latest public or patreon version of the game to play with more content and less bugs. If you have public version, create a file (!not a folder!) namederecto totalus
in the game folder, the same folder where the game’s executable file is located (Innocent Witches.exe). For MAC the path is "Innocent". (make sure that you’ve right clicked the Innocent Witches executable file, the one with the game’s icon, and navigated into the apps contents).
Any extension will do, for example txt. If you have a patron's version, you need to use a different code, which can be found here After that a new option will appear in "extra" -> "extra" in main menu, which will allow you to unlock the memories/achievements. And the cheats tab will be available in Sonya's menu during playthrough.
relevant name of the unlocking file for each current version is always available on our site
If you have any problem with game, you can find answer in our discord channel in en_help section
Olá, estou jogando a versão gratuita para Android. Desejo saber se no futuro os desenvolvedores planejam adicionar uma opção de gráfico ou coisa parecida, o jogo atualmente está tendo problemas de desempenho em meu dispositivo, fecha bastante. E também sobre a questão do carregamento inicial, ele demora bastante, mas isso é o de menos comparado com o desempenho. Agradeço desde já ☺️