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Voronoi Splitscreen »Comments

issue resolved! i had another shader that clashed pretty heavily with this (the default water shader) works perfectly now!!! leaving this up just incase.  awesome asset by the way!!!

"hey this is pretty awesome.  i was able to implementing this into my my project pretty seamless but i am running into this on issue. (probably user error on my part lol)  i want this to be 1920X1080 so i adjusted the macros in the initiation script

#macro VIEW_W 1920

#macro VIEW_H 1080

but it becomes really laggy.  do you have any ideas on how i would upscale something that is 480X270 to 1080 without killing my fps."

Glad it wasn't my fault! :P

If it becomes an issue in the future, the number 1 way to improve performance would be to have two different screen size constants, so the mask surfaces (the things that define how the view is sliced up) stay small, and each mask pixel is used by multiple screen pixels. You're gonna need to scale up/down coordinates in a couple places but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out, hiding the jagged edges on the screen (due to the larger pixels in the mask) might be a bit trickier though. on on Facebook
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