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Please, can someone help me?
I'm really trying my best to get Ronin but I'm still stuck at the beginning of the game because when it asks me "Who will give you the best experience worthy of a breathtaking story?", all the names are crossed out except Misaki's, sometimes Angelic's name is not.
I even watched videos and did the same thing but I never get Ronin. I'm stuck. At this point, I wouldn't even mind having the answers.
Ended up with Angel's """Bad""" Ending, but as corrupt as I am, if a killer doesn't kill me, then I'll date them :]
Overall amazing game tho!! As a teenager, I felt so at home with the discord layout and slang, I luv it 😭😭
My only problem is in VCs where the voice actors sound too.. "professional" or something? They should act kinda more casual, or for realism, some have bad background noise, or bad mic quality, and etc. :]
Really cool concept of a game tho!! You guys are amazing :3
it depends on the choices you make until this point in the story :') at times u you get to choose who you want to talk to most and depending on this + how nice you talk to them, you'll be able to unlock their story!! in my first playthrough i could only choose between ronin and misaki for example :')
I don't know if it's the game, or it's my stupid brain, but I was trying to replay the game, trying to go back through Ronin's route. But when I tried to do the decisions that I did the first time I played the game, when it gets to which murderer I want to write about, his name is crossed off. Again, it could be me not knowing what decisions to make his name pop up, but I haven't gone through the first month!!! ┗(┗( T﹏T )┛
*not gonna spoil anything, but just in case*
so i've been playing angel route and everything went well...
until it end suddenly and it tell me "angel 'bad' ending"
at first I confused."did I do something wrong? but everything went so great why it end up as bad ending?"
fueled by dissatisfaction and curiosity, im looking for the "good" ending route and I found it. at first I found the step are questionable, but still do it cause I thought I could fix angel... only to find out the depressing end. I felt so guilty I'd tell ronin where I live just to bash my head with his crowbar
why are you doing this to meeeeeee????
now Im replaying angel "bad" end route non stop to cure my depression
also, now I'm stuck and cant play another LI's route cause I cant bring myself to see angel forget about us T.T
last, fuck Ronin, stop hogging my angel you freak