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hi, this is my favorite game ever. i am not kidding. i am not joking. sometimes i think about this game and get super happy!! i play it a lot, and im working on trying to do a speedrun. i have so many thoughts and theories and it's just such a fascinating little story!! i love mike and the MC, i love how we can only wonder, i love how simple yet chilling it is. the idea of the island, the tasks, seeing the gradual detoriation of the MC, and whatever the ending was... woah!! i wish more people knew about this game, because it's honestly just such a fun wonderful experience!! it feels sort of like earthbound, in the fun, funny, but ultimately chilling story, the amazing 8bit music, and the expert use of cosmic horror. honestly, i think my life was better because i found this little game!! i can't count the amount of times i told someone i love everything about it (infodumping!!) and they listened and talked about it too!! the island itself is wonderful, feeling peaceful yet desolate, and hints of story and the MC's past are just sprinkled in perfectly. thank you for making this game!!
Really enjoyed this game, although I found myself running around in circles trying to solve the puzzles... but that was more user error than anything else. I liked how the game progressed and how things subtlety changed throughout the fruition of the gameplay. Great use of audio and a great twist to a game... I really recommend it!
(Copy & paste for others to read)
To Do List is a small-scale experimental game, you are a nameless man doing chores from a single white sheet of paper.
There isn't much to describe the gameplay you are doing chores, from day-to-day the program becomes different. Thankfully, the chores continue diversified per day, no queries concerning repetition. Now, it isn't problem-free: You can still move with the tasks opened, and there are some punctuation errors.The visuals are sharp and well-done. Don't be fool by the cute pixels on display there is a sinister side. The environment is almost empty; a house, a shed, a garden and compost and near infinity emptiness of the cosmos.
The music is excellent, beautifully rhythmic of chiptunes and synthwaves and unbelievably catchy. Cleverly cheerful to hide the loneliness of the character's predicament.
To the boys and girls, yes, it is a Cosmic Horror. The whole goal (in my opinion) is: We are living mundane lives, cogs in a mechanical way of living, the to-do list is the anchor keeping our sanity from going critical furthermore, taking our control of our being away from us, stuck in a perpetual loop of tasks and facilities.To Do List as an innovative Cosmic Horror formula of simplicity, while maintaining a self-contained environment and a fine example of the genre's ability to adopted the ordinary, dull objectives of a seamlessly harmless of "keeping busy."
I reallylove this kind of games.. And the storyline is so deep and sooo soo muchh dark also fun.. I hope you guys can create more and more, really enjoy this game.. And the music is really interesting, suutable for the progress in the storyline.. I love how it ends up that he's like a star in his own cosmic world.. He's into his world and doesn't even have even slightest feeling that bothering him, and that's makes him reallycool.. Really appreciate how you create this game.. It's soamazing!!!! Hope to see more of you all...
The game was... Okay? I like the premise but it wasn't executed really well in my opinion. Seeing a character going through a routine as their loneliness slowly eats away at them really could have made an interesting game. But in the end the devs went for the "uh ho he's crazy" and the aliens route. Both with... Pretty much no build up? The character really just. Completely breaks out of nowhere. Seeing his sanity slowly chips away because of loneliness could have been interesting but instead it's just a complete 180 from one day to the other. We can see before that he's lonely and trying to hide it behind fake joy, but absolutely of this absolute dementia was showns before which really made me loose my immersion in the game. I still think it's an okay game as I've said before, and i like the art style and the music, just kinda disappointed to see such an interesting premise end up to be just... Meh.
I've been trying to get past the "Fix the roof" item for an hour now. I've checked every single square on the island and in the guy's home trying to find the screwdriver. I've been able to throw the trash out, water the plants, and get the hammer and nails, but I can't find the screwdriver anywhere! I've used space on every floor tile, wall, and item, and even tried hammering everything, but no crap this guy misplaced the screwdriver, because it doesn't even seem to be on his island whatsoever. It's impossible to find a walkthrough for the game to check it because all I seem to find when I try to search for one is Untitled Goose Game. All the videos in the comments seem to be broken, and I've pretty much given up of ever completing the game. At some point a long time ago I managed to overcome this now ridiculous problem quite easily, but I have no idea how I did so at all. It's an amazing game overall, but where is the freaking screwdriver?
idk if there was supposed to be a story here, but if there is i wish it was more explained cuz im super confused by what i just played. i thought it was going to be about depression and feeling like youre in a dark void of nothing-ness, repeating the same things every day with no reward or happiness. wasnt expecting aliens lol