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some extra girls, just a bit more content. for all my games the paid versions add little content and exist if you wanna support development while still getting something in return

This game really needs to come with a tutorial, or hints,  or something, even just in the game description. I don't really know what I'm even supposed to be doing.

you need to get a girls stats up to get to bang them at the end of the night. that and also get them to strip nude during cards, you can only get a girl to play cards if you've gotten their affection up a bit first. every girl has different requirements so you do need to play around a bit and use ToD to get a read on their personality

This game should have either more instructions or a little cheatsheet to know each girl's conditions.

So far, I only got to be naughty with the brunette with scars.

if the game sells well I do have a roadmap planned, part of that includes making the girls be a separate file that can be edited for modding. also a tutorial day is also planned if that happens

Okay, good to know.
BTW, does the ouija board do anything?

You will ever make a Shota game? I really want play a game where I am a Shota bully who fuck the mothers abd the teachers :3

I really do not need the FBI after me, laws were I live are pretty strict

I'm more of the, well, OTHER thing, but would rather not cause a "FBI OPEN" moment.

So I'll abstain from asking.·View all by Yua Nizu·Report·Embed

