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I did a new game plus and now I'm stuck at the end of the 2nd playthrough, I have to talk to the mayor, but there is no mayor to talk to anymore and now I'm stuck in the town hall building.

I need more details about this? what were you doing?
what version are you on?

I'm on version

I decided to fight the mayor this time, got to a point where the other 2 were forced into my party to prepare them all, couldn't work at all, even after disbanding the party, then it became night, I couldn't sleep, because Akemi kept saying there were still things that needed to be done apparently. I tried going to every enterable building I could remember, went back to town hall, now I'm stuck inside the building because Akemi keeps saying I need to talk to the mayor every time I try to leave, but I can't enter any other area in the building.

Alright, I had to read this and put on the sherlock Holmes hat to solve this one, since you did not state the day, lol
I'm assuming, this is day 25, after going through every possible scenario on day 21 and 22 and discover this problem is not even possible
in those day or any other.

You had to go lab>Parking lot>Sewers (Pretty sure it is also marked in the map)

I'm curious about which event let you pass time in day 25, since most events (should be all)  that can pass are locked that day.
Either way, it is a good find tho, I will make sure it is not in the next version.

I will try to patch it soon and re upload (And feel free to migrate your saves, it will unstuck your character too!)

Lmao apologies, it is day 25, I went back to a previous save that started on day 25, wasn't really sure to note, since the first playthrough went swimmingly, thank you for confirming it though!

It was fighting in the sewers that allowed me to progress through the day. I couldn't seem to find the marker telling me where to go and when I checked the sewers, I noticed more enemies had spawned and assumed that's where I needed to be, so I just fought them until I was teleported back to my room.

Thanks a ton and thank you for your work!

I finished the game after buying it. While it is good i think you should add a free roam after we finish the game

will there be a russian localization?

how do i use cheats ik u said to go by the tile(left) but i dont get how to put the code do i need to click a key?

Cheat code is on my Twitter! and yeah, just 1 tile on the left, besides the cgviewer

is this tile that I put the code cuz when I press the number it doesnt  work

what version are you on? a tile to the right

i am on version 2.7 in the demo am gonna buy the full version soon

Demo doesnt have cheats I think, I added it in 2.8

Is the game coming soon on Steam because it's not finished yet? Will we get the finished game if we buy it now?

the game is, getting QoL updates and more  content, you can play from start to finish, you will have  54 animated H scenes, and more coming. And yes, you will get future updates

Sold! Thanks for the discount and fast response.

Where can I buy a swimsuit?

cant wait for the steam release. will be watching this with great interest.

Thanks, I will be working hard for the next update!

When choosing to sit on the cake and eat a dick or sit on a dick and eat a cake the CG is the same with Akemi sitting o a cake.

Also how do i get the blowjob scene in the previev?

this is fixed in the latest version, which? 45?

question is the steam version going to be different from this version or is it going to be the same? i paid for it on here is why i am asking

It will be the same game!

so im on day 25,i talked to the scientist lady,the guy in the parking lot,and fought the big robot.I cant for the life of me figure out what to do next.If i do anything it just says "i shouldnt work today". Am i missing something?

go to the sewers (in front of the cinema

Thats were i fought the big robot.Was something else supposed to happen after that post fight cutscene?

Taizei46 days ago(1 edit)(+1)

you need to keep going further into the sewers

is there a second area somewhere in the sewers,cause ive started walking all the way to the end of this one to a dead end.

I figured it out,thanks for your help.

Is it safe to assume the 2nd game your making will be in the city continuing the story? (im assuming the story for this game is done) And you're just adding in more side content for the current game for now

Is there a way to hide the text box during the CG's?

Hello, Love the demo so far! Was just curious on if you buy the full do you get future updates?

yeah, you get the future updates

Erickko50 days ago(1 edit)(+1)

If I buy the game on will I be getting a steam key once it releases in steam (just asking, I'm buying the game anyways cuz I loved the demo)

hey taizei! 

when will there be a steam release? 

I need more wishlists!

it's already on my wishlist and i cant wait for it! 

Can some one pls send me the code .. I cant find it 

my twitter

Is the game only one ingame month long? Not sure if i got that right-

28 days + about 5 extra

That seems like it's over really fast, still I'm interessted.

How many animations are there like the one on the bach? Full body and everything  instead of the floating D? That might be the only thing I need to still figure out. However I assume I saw the whole map then already.

most people agree the game is about 4 to 5 hours and a bit more if you want to complete it.
As for Scenes that have the male actor drawn fully, there's a few, mostly Masamaru's scenes with akemi

How do I use cheats in this game? I've played this game about 2 times and lost my save. I just want to unlock all the scenes.

Check my twitter, get the code, probably throw a follow too, and then go to the tile next to the CG viewer (Left) and put the code

That was quick, thanks man, excellent game!

Can anyone tell me the cheat or the number code to unlock the scenes

it is on my twitter

Is it? i've been searching,...

if someone buys it here, are you okay with gifting it on steam? I see no other way with the complicated situation they created on steam, I just hope that's still possible.

where do I go say goodbye to Nanami's lover . He is not where you usually meet up

I could be wrong, but it has to be at night I think, you can pass time in your room Before packing things up

I Keep passing time over and over yet he won't appear. Nanami even says she should go say goodbye. Is he in a different place

u should bring akemi as well and he will appear in the usual spot

the demo still says theres no files available, which is a shame because id like to try it out to know if its worth spending my money on

the demo is working fine, Did you Extract it?

im on the client, it wont even let me download it to extract it

ill try it on the actual website see if that works

Deleted post76 days ago
Deleted76 days ago

lab in the east distric, parking lot behing uwu and then sewers

Will this be ported for Android near or distant future? It runs fine via Joiplay it just lag's where the playground area is, and having it officially ported would make it so that it would be optimized.

it runs great on higher end tablets too(on joiplay), but yeah, making a android version should optimize it, I've been investigating how to do it but right now is not a priority

Thank you for the confirmation, at least it's looked into and that there is a sliver of chance that it will be ported I have high hopes for this game it's very fun just the game play alone.

You've made something good here keep up the good work thx again.

Are there only two H attacks?

Flash skills? yeah

Can you hid the text box during scenes in the gallery

What version are you on? im pretty sure this is a feature already (Shift)
And since 2.7 the minimap hides  on h scenes

Not sure if it is a bug. The game wants me to talk with masa in the living room but only nanami is there and I can't leave the house. Masa is not in the living room and in his room he says take care.

What is needed to open the lid to the sewers. There is an interact button but nothing happens

it is not Exact, just stand above the lit and press Z

spoilers for anyone reading else reading this.

How do I go past day 21.?When I pay the 20k debt in day 21 it moves next payment to same day. I have beaten him but he ends  up blowing up anyway. Am I meant to fight with Nanami?

You have to do nanami sidequest

Hi, how do i find cg 16 outside of a cg viewer?

day 14 talk to the girl infront of 1E, go to restroom, lose the fight, and then go back

how do i use the code terminal

Tile at the left of the CG viewer

I've never updated a game from itch before, do I just need to download the new version or do I need to do more? will my save convert to the new one?

You have to download the lastest version
If you want to keep your saves you have to do other stuff.

I recommend you to just save over every slot in the new version and then copy the save folder from your oldest version and overwrite the
new. (wont work if you dont do the first part.)

Im working on a new save system to avoid having to do this, but this is the only way right now to transfer the files from a older version

for some reason the demo cant be installed i dont know why its happening cos i wanna play it

OS you using?
Are you extracting the folder?

im on windows 10 just using the download button on the app, for some reason it wont let me

Is there any way to just use cheats or console command money into the game. I have played every update

There will be a cheat terminal next patch

(Don't mind the dual monitors) I got the milking animation from the bridge guy, and now it's stuck on my screen forever, i can still move and use the minimap to navigate, the overworld works like normal, it doesn't play over fights. It doesn't go away when you restart the game.

Uhm... Just checked and yeah, this is a mess up on my part, not setting a Delete right, this will be fixed on the upcoming version, but for now I don't really have a solution for this one. you could reach me in discord and I could unstuck it perhaps if you give me your save. 

How do you get some of the cutscenes in game? 
Such as the Hotsprings, the Restroom scenes

And for Nanami Week the Isekai, Expansion and Threesome?

Ive been trying to find the events which cause them to actually happen in game but I can't seem to find them

fish quest, RP man quest on day 4 onwards (girl in front of 1E activates it)
isekai (guy in front of ramen shop, I think at night, being time efficient on this quest also gets you the threesome) expansion is in the lab

on nanamis week right now and ive been bugged where as i cant go out on the second day because i forgot to buy stuff at the west side but when i tried going at the west side, there was no indicator on what to buy and after i went back to the east side, i saw a side quest to do like the demon queen event and the pond date and after those events i did, it teleported me back to the apartment and i cant do anything to skip the time and i cant work on the science work nanami has on her apartment plus it wont let me go out from the apartment and to make it worse i dont have any recent saves, the only recent saves i had is an hr ago. help. 

It sounds like you used the bus right?

the bus shouldnt be used in nanami week, it was my mistake to not disable it in this version

It is indeed a softlock, sorry.

yes i indeed used the bus, i saw a bystander saying smth about the bus and i got curious and so after the event i got softlocked.

is there anyway i could get my save back like restarting nanamis week? (plus i defeated the mayor before paying 20k, idk if that helps with the problem)

i wish there was. If i was home i would offer to unstuck your save, but im away for a while

aww mann its aightt, ill just grind it back though it might take a while

love the game btw, keep it up man!

How do I open the Stripclub and Manga Store?
And how do I obtain stuff like meat, honey and salmon?

u get them through leveling up your work experience and by leveling it would unlock some stores you could work at (dk bout meat, honey and salmon) try going through everystore

day 21 onwards and you can only enter by having your innocence lowered to a certain point,

Salmon you can get by fishing in the forest

Paid 9 dollars just to get absolutely rinsed EVERY enemy that you can possibly come across, like it's beyond frustrating after the 15th+ restart

boost and buy weapons and finnish side quest!

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